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Really Not That Great


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Has anyone else besides me been away from the ex and had massive time to sit and think about things that they did to you, and all of sudden realize that hey they aren't that great.


I was so distraught when me and the ex first broke up, but now me and him are in LC and frankly I haven't had the urge to contact him, and the more I think about some of the things he has done to me the more I realize he wasn't all that to begin with.

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It's just weird to me, everyone has flaws yet I just like so many other people on this board are blinded by love and don't see them. When the smoke clears and you have time to think you see that they were not perfect and not without some fault.

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Has anyone else besides me been away from the ex and had massive time to sit and think about things that they did to you, and all of sudden realize that hey they aren't that great.


Yeah I think that would be pretty common. I mean there is a tendency when we have just broken up with someone to put the rose colored glasses on. In the cold light of day when a lot of the emotional heat has gone out of our feelings we probably start to see the other person more for who they actually are.

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I've kinda gone through the range of emotions from really missing her and thinking about the good times, to thinking about the bad and the fact that we're not right for each other (at least not right now)...


What it boils down to (for me anyway) is that we both have issues we need to work on, and a relationship won't work between us until we both make changes in ourselves. This means that I have to work on myself and go on living my life, and I have to let her go and do the same. If our paths cross again one day, great. If not, I have faith that there is someone else out there for me.



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...and that is usually why people break up in the first place. Because deep down, they both realize that the other person didn't suit his/her needs, while in the relationship.


It makes plenty of sense that you don't want to contact this person EVER again. Obviously you guys didn't agree on something, and now x months in and no contact--and you're feelings GREAT!!


My advice would be to "RUN WITH THE WIND" girl. If something has hit you like a ton of bricks to make yourself realize that he really wasn't all that great for you, then that's great!!!!! The more distance you can build between you and him--the better.


Like a friend of mine always used to say: "Don't cry over what you don't have, be happy for what you did have"..and now it's time to move on--->NEXT! haha (had to throw that in there)



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We broke up because he couldn't commit. Now that I am seeming to move on, (truth be told I am not dating anybody, but who am I to change what he thinks He has been calling me telling me he made a mistake, and that I was the best girl he has ever had (Like I didn't know that). I never contact him I always let him contact me, and he is always throwing out hints to see if I will bite but if he doesn't say something concrete then I guess we'll never know. He was a good guy but he did have flaws, now that I have stepped back from the situation he's not that perfect person I thought he was.

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