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sex and the great outdoors


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Was wondering how having sex out in nature is compared to normal.


I decided this is the way I wanna first experience it/loose my virginity.


The warm afternoon air and smells. maybe a fly or two on her butt. That seems like it would be really hot sex. But maybe that is mundane. Seems like it is close to animal instinct so it would be extra enjoyable. Dunno.


What are other thoughts/experience on this?

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My husband took me in the woods once, it was very nice.


Notes to keep in mind though...


You should start with something cute like a picnic

Bring a thick blanket or two. The ground can hurt if you don't have enough padding.

Be sure it is a nice day with no chance of rain

Bring something for "cleanup"


Bug spray!!

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Hmmm - personally, maybe it's not such a great idea to have sex for the first time outside, just because it's....awkward....


My fiance and I had sex in the golf course, and had to stop cause some lady was walking her dog...


And then this one time, we did it in a cemetery on a Sunday afternoon (don't judge...LOL!) and that was perfect, but it was spur of the moment and a blanket would have been nice...


So keep it mind that if you're there, then someone else is probably walking around as well....

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I definitely would not recommend it for the first time as it can be a bit awkward and some women aren't too much into the "daylight exposure".


Once you get the hang of it though the outdoors stuff can be fun, I like stopping in the middle of a mountain bike ride or something for a quickie - just keeo in mind the sand, pine needles, tree bark (hurts more than carpet burn!), poison ivy, mosquitos and wasp nests

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Mud is also a problem, this time a year the ground's usually wet and there are fallen leaves everywhere, it can get all over you and if you're not careful to fully wipe yourself off afterwards it can be awkward if you don't do your own washing and someone asks you why you've mud on the inside of your clothes...

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Thanks for input, but the first time I would like to be outside. I agree, being interrupted is dumb. I would think a long time as to the place. I guess some dirt or on top of a bolder wouldn't be so bad. but grass is preferable then huh? I'm not worried about her getting dirty down there, unless it was mud or sand. Anyway, cavemen did it outdoors all the time, and I bet the first time too. I wonder what it was like for a cave virgin. That is why decided on outdoors.


I suppose she could be skeptic about it, but I would talk it through with her, or not push it much if spuratic, so it would just be cuddling, meaning I would let her come half way to engage in the act.

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i've had sex on a mountain (altitude was different and it was cold, but great!), in the woods (yeah, that was good, but tree stumps can hurt so look before you sit!), in a horse's barn/stable (animals distracted me, it stank and i didnt enjoy it) and on the beach (as many people say - don't do it).

I've also had HJs/BJs in the car (dont cum if you're driving!), in movie theatres (the back row isn't always the best place to go), and at the end of a pier (was fantastic), etc...


I love it outdoors but my current gf is very nervous/self-conscious - so I don't force it. I'd definitely want to take my time INSIDE for the first time - but when you want to experiment beyond your bedroom/house/pubs/clubs/cinemas/toilets the thrill of being out in the openair can be great.


But like someone said - be aware that if you're there, chances are someone else could come too. And I hear that's called dogging... but that's for another thread rofl

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I personally think the outdoors is great. But unless your girl doesn't at all mind getting dirty (in the literal sense), the indoors might be better for you. Especially for the first time as others have mentioned.


One think I haven't tried yet is on some nice grass during the rain. Messy, yes. And the smell would be nice too.

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Thanks all. I don't get why it is better to be indoors on the first time. I spend so much time alone in my room as it is. I don't wanna lose my virginity inside just because everyone else says so. No big deal, I've been single now for 5 years. But I still wish to do this for the first experience.


Anyway, maybe I need more details why. The interruption thing I get, but outside is comfortable. Indoors is artificial comfort, and nature is cool. I drink organic milk and use Tom's of Maine natural hygene products. I don't wanna be a fake mother f***er or a yankee.

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  • 1 year later...
Thanks all. I don't get why it is better to be indoors on the first time. I spend so much time alone in my room as it is. I don't wanna lose my virginity inside just because everyone else says so. No big deal, I've been single now for 5 years. But I still wish to do this for the first experience.


Anyway, maybe I need more details why. The interruption thing I get, but outside is comfortable. Indoors is artificial comfort, and nature is cool. I drink organic milk and use Tom's of Maine natural hygene products. I don't wanna be a fake mother f***er or a yankee.


If you insist on losing it outside, then be a gentleman: let the girl be on top. Unless you are on a well maintained yard the ground will poke you in all weird ways you didn't know it could. In the woods, she'll keep getting jabbed by sticks. Plus, that way you can watch the sun coming through her hair


..the muddy part isn't bad either.

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I wouldn't suggest it for the first time,but it is definitely amazing.


There is nothing like having sex in the woods,such as a big tree for her to lean against with the sound of the animals around us along with our primal sounds with them...and especially my favorite of having her ride you on the grass at night,with the full moon up high..knowing you get to not only have sex under the moonlight..but also watch the way the sun lights up her flesh in the morning again.

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I wouldn't suggest it for the first time,but it is definitely amazing.


There is nothing like having sex in the woods,such as a big tree for her to lean against with the sound of the animals around us along with our primal sounds with them...and especially my favorite of having her ride you on the grass at night,with the full moon up high..knowing you get to not only have sex under the moonlight..but also watch the way the sun lights up her flesh in the morning again.





.. *melts*

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You know, everyone has that "sex on the beach" fantasy, but next to the woods, a farm has always been my fantasy. Up against a tree, in a field of grain, the breeze brushing against our bodies. Kind of the "Nobody knows, but everyone COULD" thing...

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