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Is it a bad idea to work where someone you know works...

Double J

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if that someone turns out to be your girlfriend's brother?


I recently applied for a job and had an interview for the position almost two weeks ago. It turns out that my g/f's brother has been working there for over 12 years. Him and I barely see each other, though. The issue is that I don't feel totally comfortable working at a place where someone I already know works (unless the individual helped me get the job, or, unless I'm super close to the individual to begin with). I like starting jobs with a clean slate and with no preconceived notions in the way.


I've always heard that this type of situation can be risky and has the potential to blow up in people's faces. If (God forbid) I end up breaking up with my g/f for whatever reason, or if him and I happen to argue over something on any given day, tempers may flair at the office. Similarly, it's possible that the company might be on the rocks, and we both bring the tension home with us. What ensues could be disastrous in our personal dealings with each other away from the office.


I may be overanalyzing this (we may never even get to see each other much) but one never knows. This company has already thrown out a potential salary proposition and I'm interested in seeing if another company might offer something higher. That's another reason why I don't want to accept this job right away (it's my first full-time job interview, as I'll be graduating in December).


Any tips/suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

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Well I think you will find depending on your career field eventually it becomes impossible not to work where someone you know works....some communities of certain careers can be "small" and it just happens.


The main thing is to evaluate how close the relationship is, and how close you actually would be working together. It does not sound like you are very close, so I don't see how this situation would really impact your work life or your personal relationship at home.


I think it is riskier where your relationship is closer (spouse, best friend) particularly in terms where there is relationship breakdown or one can't cope with the other having a superior type position over them, etcetera.


I definitely don't understand the "we would both bring home job stress" one since even in different jobs that can happen!

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If you can be professional, then there's nothing to worry about. You have to have a sense of where things belong. Certain emotions (good or bad) should be left at the door when you enter the place where you work. You are now representing that company and your personal affairs have nothing to do with that organization.


I would be concerned if he was going to be your boss or even on the same team, but it sounds like you won't even see much of each other. I would not let this stop you from taking this job.

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