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Short spells of terror?


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At night when I get home from work and I am typing at like 1AM I think about stuff and wind down, but while om on here, or when I turn out the lights and start to go to bed................I realize that I will die, and that will be the end in the universe.


Why desire and pursue anything, if it is all lost eventually.


I am not religious, and nature deals us the end. I get panic attack bits, where I start hyperventalating or huffing and puffing to deal with the hardcore terror that gets me at the center.


If I were to be married, one of us dies first, and that would probably be me. I am 6'6" and that wears out the heart so I won't be 100 definitely. I will probably die earlier than most others.


That doesn't matter, point is I am done for at a random time. I know no living thing has got out of death, but it is an individual venture, because my conscioussness is the world in which I live (subjectivism).


This must have been what Siddartha Gautama felt when he realized suffering and was a turning factor. Horrible. I don't like feeling this way. Maybe I don't accept it on that level, but am starting to think that even if I had all the earthly pleasures, they will end.


I don't like pain or discomfort cause it just doens't feel nice and is difficult to tolerate. We are just organisms who seek pleasure and avoid pain?


I will go into a coma and black out, and never ever wake up. No memoy or senses. Nothing. F*** that is too much. I could die tommarrow, or in a lot of years, but either way I think my mind ignores that fact and just keeps thinking about other stuff.


Are there others that feel the same feeling? Is there a philosphy or intellect field that deals with this? I wanna know how to stop fearing it, but actually realize my life will end, and that is real and absolute. That is the one absolute thing I like to admit. It is absolute. Everything else in philosophy is up in the air to me, but aging, and death are absolute. Do they exist,.........that is another question, but as for us it doesn't matter, we still expire forever. Intense deosn't describe it.

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First of all, taller people tend to live longer. I've read that in a magazine, so it must be true. ;-)


I used to feel like this. All the time. But what cured me of it was realizing that there are things that are worse than death. I was acutely suicidal for an extended period, and I think that got me over the worst of my fear of mortality. I felt death would be a welcome sleep, compared to the anguish I was in. That's a twisted way of dealing with fear of death, but there it is.


Everyone has to deal with this question - even if you don't think about it, it is there in your psyche, because it is THE human dilemma. The foreknowledge of our own deaths, and the choice about whether to stay alive or not. What do you think the anti-aging industry is all about. Consumerism is fuelled by this fear to a large extent. As is religion.


There's a good quote by an English poet: 'death is no better whined at than withstood'. In other words, panic is pointless because death is inevitable. So enjoy the ride...

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