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Birth control causing my g/f to gain weight

Double J

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My g/f was taking a certain brand of birth control pill for several months before the doctor recommended that she switch to a different pill (the old one was causing her blood pressure to go up). The old one was helping her lose weight, but this new pill is causing her to gain. Her appetite has gone up dramatically; for example, she has made it a habit to buy two sandwhiches at fast food joints instead of one. I told her that she's going to have to exercise some discretion in terms of food portions and what not.


She seems to get heavier each week. What should I do? Should I tell her to seek a pill that doesn't produce such side effects?

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The choice is up to her, not you. Weight gain can be an issue with the pill. You can SUGGEST that she ask her doctor to try her on one that is more limiting in this side effect...but remember, it is HER body, and she has to feel comfortable with whatever side effects the pills have. It can be tricky to find the right fit, because you don't want breakthrough bleeding. If she hasn't been on this new pill too long, things might taper down once she gets used to it. It is certainly better than dealing with high blood pressure.

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hmmm, this is a touchy subject. The appetite can definitely increase on certain medications, but that just means you have to be more careful. like ordering extra veggies and 1 sandwhich, instead of ordering 2 sandwhiches. I've gained weight on medication, and now am working on getting it all off for good.


how does she react when you tell her about the discretion? I'm sure this can be a sentive topic to approach. What I've found is that I'm less hungry if I've focused on getting at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. If she is ravenous all the time, maybe suggest healthier choices. Those foods are bigger and bulkier and take up more space in your stomach for far less calories.

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While the pill is known to cause some weight gain (ala, 'birth control butt'), rapid weight gain isn't a healthy side effect.


Has she talked to her doctor about trying another brand/type of pill? Rapid weight gain is not much better than high blood pressure. Something is defintely screwing up her system, and that isn't healthy. There are dozens of brands of BC, so finding the right one may take time.


It may end up that hormonal contraception just doesn't work for her. Those little pills are very powerful and her body may not be tolerant of what they are doing to her system.

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How long has she been on the new pill? Sometimes it takes about three months for a woman to get used to a new pill and for the side effects to calm down, so if it has been less than three months, I'd suggest just waiting a litlte longer.


If after three months it's still an issue, ask her how SHE feels about being on the pill. If she says she has a problem with it, you could offer to research online what kind of pills are less likely to cause the side effect of weight gain.

According to one website I just found with google where someone asked a question about this kind of issue:


For less weight gain the lower androgen effect OCP's are better: Desogen, orthocept, orthocyclen and orthotricyclen.


Nordette has a relatively high androgen effect, which probably explains your weight gain.


However, the lower androgen effects also have the potential to affect libido in a negative way.


I have had good overall success with Mircette and Lo-Ovral or Loestrin for most women.


However, the choice can be quite individual. The questions I would certainly ask are "can I change the OCP's after 3 months if I don't like the potential side effects". That is probably the most important issue. As you may know, it takes up to 3 cycles to settle into your OCP's.


Good luck to you two...

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you are making the assumption that her weight gain is pill related... sometimes people crave high fat foods (like fast food) in the Fall because there is a natural tendency to try to gain weight before winter... an inborn survival mechanism that both humans and other animals have.


or perhaps your 'supervision' of her weight is making her nervous and eating more.. a form of rebellion on her part? if you are noticing a weight gain *each week*, i suspect you are the type of guy who is obssessed with keeping a thin girlfriend and is very critical of her looks.


please talk to her openly about this, and if you are either too controlling or too obsessed with her weight, perhaps you need to back off and give her some breathing room. and she doesn't deserve someone who is her 'fat monitor' if she gains a few pounds while adjusting to medication or otherwise.

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