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I am bi, and i like my bestfriend whom is a girl but im not completely sure she likes me back, she has told me after i said i luv u do u love me on a fone msg if she loved anyone it would be me and 2day she said 2 me out of the blue 2day on chat: do u wanna go on a date 2morow night, 2 the movies. and i said yeah.. then she said serious? and then she told me the times.. but later on she said her other friend wants 2 go as well on saturday do u want 2 go to that?.. now im confused.. i dont know whether she was just saying "date" in a joking way.. and thought we were just going as friends or she was serious..


she might have been scared and changed her mind.. can you pls help me. what does it seem like? what should i do.

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I really don't kno hey...If she seems like she jokes a lot then maybe. But sometimes people say they're joking when they're not or act like they're joking coz they're nervous to show their true feelings.


I think in your case maybe something did come up and her friend did want to go unintentionally but more likely is that she's afraid so maybe she brang a friend.


lol hope that helped somehow...

Happy Heb

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in the same situation as you. I love my best friend, and really want to have a relationship with her, but I don't know if she feels that way about me. She is always "joking" around about us being girlfriends, she puts her arms around me, holds my hand, stuff like that. And I wonder if she really does feel that way, but is too afraid to tell me, just like I'm too afraid to tell her.


I have been agonizing over this for months now, and it's only getting worse, because lately she's been even more affectionate than usual. If we sit next to each other then we're always touching, or if I spend the night at her house we lay right next to each other. And I love her so much, but I just don't know what to do.


I have been trying to figure it out, but I think the only thing I can do, is just tell her how I feel, when I get the nerve, because otherwise I will always wonder "what if" and that would be the worst feeling in the world.


I think we have a very similar situation, which means that lots of other people are in the same boat too, which is very comforting.

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