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How can I make him see that he wants to be with me?


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My ex broke up with me about three weeks ago. He said he loves me and still wants me in his life and wants to try and be friends. I told him that I wouldn't be able to just be friends right now. We had no contact until the other day. I just felt the urge to contact him.He said he misses me and wants to start talking again. I agreed but now that I think about it more I don't think I could handle it. I am too hurt. I want to tell him this but I want him to realize he wants to be with me. How should I talk to him? Should I not mention trying again? Will that just push him away? I also would like to see him in the near future to maybe get closure, should i mention that to him? I'm so confused and hurt, any advice would greatly help me.

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I agree, I advise not to call him; break contact altogether. He's just stringing you along because he knows you're waiting for him. He'll continue to do that. Believe me, you're more of a catch in his eyes if you just let him go. Men love the challenge. If you keep calling him, he's not going to feel the need to chase you any more, knowing you'll be there whenever it's convenient for him... and may start using you just for a booty call. Don't give him that power. Let him go.

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Acutally..I am going thru the very same thing. My ex and I broke up on Friday so it's been what 5 days now...we saw each other for the 1st time last nite...and we are 'talking' but more it's for him to spend a few days a week with me and then have his brush with 'single' life and see what he wants more. I say you should go for it...but go it...knowing you can get hurt and sometimes you will..it happens but the thing that could eat you alive is the WHAT IF...WHAT IF it would have worked out...just talking is best don't dive into anything.

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