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Still uncertain about what I want


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Hi all,


I am 30 years old and have around 6 years of (good and bad) experience in IT field. The job I am doing and jobs I have done so far have been dissatifying. I have wasted a lot of time most of the time. People have told me that I could do much better and do justice to the talents I possess. But I really don't know what type of job I want that can satify my financial and emotional needs.

I am master of none and jack of few kind of a person.

I lack confidence, discipline and love postponing/cancelling interviews.

I am cancelling interviews because I feel less confident and get tensed.

I am in a predicament.

How do I transform this situation that I am in now.

Please help me discover myself.

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Hi ThirdEye


Firstly, 30 is young enough to start all over again! But you do sound like you don't even know what you like/dislike? What talents are your friends speaking of? Why not look back to your dreams as a child - what did you want to do then? Was it a footballer? A doctor? An architect? I mean identify the careers you shelved because you felt that "real life" meant bills and you knew the IT area was easier to gain employment. Don't ever forget your dreams and at least try and make them happen.


Then figure out if this is possible. If it is not possible - how about a job in a related area? I have a good friend, Chris, who worked in the transport industry as an administration person and he had always wanted to get into TV. Now we all know how hard it is to get into TV! But he moved countries to England and offered his services in return for work experience. He worked as a waiter in the evenings to supplement his income. It was hard, but he was doing something he loved. Now, fast forward 3 years and he is a producer for a major TV Channel nd earning more money than he dreamed of! A little bit of identifying "what lights your fire" mixed in with a bit of grit and determination can lead to something magical! But it does require sacrifice and hard work


Life is too short to be bored in your job. We get about 8 good decades here - so make them count, T-Eye!


I'm guessing you lack discipline because it seems such a momentuous task, but simply break it down into small steps. Every day try and achieve something that will lead you further to your goal; so today, re-jig your resume and tomorrow start e-mailing it out to potential employers. Once you get started you will be on a roll....and hitting that home run! Go for it!


G Fish xo

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