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First, second and third days.


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The first day


Resisting was hard,

but the temptations soon disappeared,

I drowned them in liquid,

for the hunger to leave.


As the hours went by,

exercising, I did,

for hours on end,

for the fat, the calories to rid.


As night soon came,

I fell fast asleep, with only one sound,

a stomach growling,

but a proud mind.


The second day


Waking in hunger,

a monster in my stomach,

stepping out of bed,

with dizziness surrounding.


Arriving downstairs,

I peek in the fridge,

the food awaits,

but I won't let it win.


Exercises, I do,

repeatively and more,

stopping for water,

but returning,

regardless I'm sore.


That evening my mum returns,

asks 'Want to come food shopping'?

I think about it for long,

and decide to come along.


Looking and staring,

all around me,

the temptations of food,

I wish they'd leave.


Returning home,

putting the food away,

trying to resist,

to bed I astray.


Sleeping with the hunger,

my heart beating fast,

shaking, my hands,

the day is over,

at last.


Day three


Awake, I am,

stepping out of bed,

falling to the floor,

the dizziness took over,

grabbing to the door,

pulling myself up,

I take a deep breath,

and prepare myself,

for the day ahead...




Yeah. Just a poem I did. Just to express myself right this moment...

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