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So jealous/frustrated/kinda getting pissed


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I just now tonight found out about a ENA user who is so reveared and even has their own website.


I only see a sophist though. They are making money of some of their advice, which just aint right to do online.


I now know how socrates and plato must have felt, dispising sophistry in ancient greece.


After reading a few posts, I am flustered and jealous that so many would be fooled by the rhetoric. I am all about content, and I don't use fancy smooth talkin to persuade the argument.


I don't wanna dominate a forum, but this is getting me agitated. I suppose it doesn't matter, but when people are specifically chanting for that person and whooing and haing.


I would also use the term yankee, but this is getting me so close to trouble I don't wan't. No use in a pissing contest.


Anyway, I don't agree, and think the advice is unsound. Their mistake is that they assert anything at all.


Gosh I get worked up about this stuff, but only for good reason. Only in particular stuff too.



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So what if someone has a website and makes money off advice? People must be paying, so it's their choice. I find it really odd that you would care either way.


Further, nice way of sneaking in 'yankee' under the radar. You do realize how unbelievably illogical your use of the word yankee is, right? It doesn't even make sense. How or why would that matter?


If this person't mistake is asserting things, how would you describe what you're doing right now?

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What bothers me is that the user puts long and seemingly professional advice on posts on this forum.


I am just a guy who likes philosophy, and thats probably why it bothers me that they love this user of rhetoric. None of that stuff could be true, I couldn't be convinced.


P.S. people in Georgia use the term all the time I bet. My use of it is probably not the most accurate or historical. But I'm not a big fan of logic either.

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