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Letters of Recommendation

Double J

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I have a job interview scheduled for Monday. I graduate in December so I'm looking for my first (entry-level) job.


In late March, my internship with a local agency came to a close, and one of the head supervisors was kind enough to write a recommendation letter for me. I was also able to obtain one from an ex-professor who's very dear to me.


These letters came in handy at the time as I searched for a new part-time job. I ultimately gave them to several employers. I'll be departing from the company for which I currently work on a part-time basis in December once I finally land a full-time position.


My question is this: Would it be ok to hand these letters out to potential full-time employers? The only issue is that the dates show March and April. I wouldn't want the full-time employers to think I've simply "recycled" these old letters, but then again, they might not notice or care when they were written. Obviously with the interview merely 4 days away, it's too late to request new ones from these individuals.


Any suggestions?



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I would recommend requesting new letters from the people that gave them to you. They likely still have the old letter on the computer and can just change the date and send to you by email!


Worst case scenario, if you can't get new ones in time, go ahead and use the old ones. It should be the words that they speak about you that should truly matter.


Good luck!

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I think it is fine to hand them out. The dates will reflect in your resume that you worked for these people a year ago. If you feel that letters of recommendation have helped you in the past, maybe consider asking more recent employers/professors for the same. In the very least, ask if you may use them as a reference.

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