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How early should you apply for jobs prior to graduation?

Double J

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I graduate in late December but have begun applying for full-time jobs. My friends tell me that I should start now because the interview and hiring process may take over a month. However, I haven't gotten any results, at least not yet, and I think it's because I still don't have my Bachelor's degree. (All the jobs I've applied for require one.)


It's obvious that most companies want to hire someone immediately. Otherwise, they wouldn't be putting up the ad at this juncture.


Do you think I'm getting ahead of myself? A few others have told me to relax and that waiting 3-4 more weeks would provide better results.

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I think it is just fine to start applying now. Some companies hiring process takes weeks. And those that are hiring new grads know they have to wait for your graduation date.


And don't be discouraged, it is common to have a very high rejection level when you are job searching.

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definitely start applying now. I finished school in October last year, and I started looking for jobs in about july (before I finished). I was lucky enough to secure a job before I'd even finished school, so I walked out of school, straight into a full time job.


A lot of people will be fighting for the same jobs, and you will have a good chance if you get in early. You don't want to be one of those people that graduates and then goes looking - all the good jobs will have been snapped up by the people who got in early, like you!

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I think it is fine.


In my grad program, some places they start hiring two years before your graduate (depending on the area you plan on working in)!


Anyway, they know you have yet to graduate, just on your resume put down the expected graduation date and in your cover letter state you are looking to being employment post-graduation.


Good luck; and as avman says, try not to get too discouraged if it takes a while!

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I don't graduate until may and have already sent between 60-70 applications by now. I've had about 8 interviews thus far and it has been my observation that companies will interview you at minimum 3 times (I've seen as high as 8-10) before making an offer. Get started early.

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I don't graduate until may and have already sent between 60-70 applications by now. I've had about 8 interviews thus far and it has been my observation that companies will interview you at minimum 3 times (I've seen as high as 8-10) before making an offer. Get started early.


Hey astatine,


that sounds like a lot of job applications.


I'm curious what field you're in and what country, (if that's ok that is)

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