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When You Know You're Better Off

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You know what sucks? I bet a large percentage of us know that we are better off now, than being in the relationship that at one time probably drained us. Something that I have figured out though is that I am sad and hurt for almost selfish reasons. The rejection and the fact that he is not running after me professing his undying love and that he made a huge mistake is what's maddening. Not the end of the relationship cause I knew we would not make it. I think that if he would just do something out of character like pursue me I would feel a lot better. Not that I want him persay, but just to feel wanted by the one who rejected me.

Wow, I feel exactly the same way. I almost didn't want to admit it to myself because I felt it seemed shallow. But so agree, I would it to be him, the person who walked away from me just say, no thanks, f*** you. I'm better than you.

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I don't miss him so much... I don't want him back. I just want to stop feeling like I was so easy to toss aside.


That hurts a lot. I think in the end, even after coming to terms with the problems in the relationship, I feel like that thought will always hurt me. I mistakenly read old letters a few days after and I was almost in disbelief of how much things had changed and our relationship was just a passing feeling. As a defense mechanism, I'd almost rather believe that he never loved me at all, that he never really cared, than to feel the hurt of being so easy to dismiss.

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