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I don't have this problem however, there is someone on Public Television who is a skin Dr. and I have followed some of his other suggestions and they have been very helpful. His name is Nicolas Pericone and his book is called The Pericone Prescription. Try out some of his suggestions and let me know if they help.

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  • 3 months later...

I just finished posting in the above thread "acne supression", about how I got rid of my acne and blackheads. The acne wasn't even really that bad. A few pimples here and there on my cheeks, forehead and chin, not too noticeable. What was worse was the blackheads. I could not get rid of them at all until I tried PROACTIVE SOLUTION. Read the other thread if you want to know what I posted. Basically get it. It works. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying with this you WILL NEVER get another pimple or blackhead. You will occasionally, but it is so minor and unoticeable that it's foolish to even fret over. Everyone occasionally gets small blemishes.


I've only used it for about 7 weeks now and all my blackheads have almost disappeared.


I don't think you HAVE to go out and buy proactive, but if you look for similar products that do the same thing. I know there's a new over the counter product that is very similar to proactive. All you really need is...


1)A facial Cleanser - Make sure you get one with microbeads (not apricot shells) but they must be micro beads. It should also have some benzoly peroxide (the active ingrediant that helps kill the bacteria and get rid of pimples). not too much though or it will dry out your skin. like 2.5% is good enough.


2)facial toner - it basically removes excess oil and helps to remoisturize your skin. Get one that is alcohol free.


3)acne treatment lotion - I'm not sure of specific ones, but any of those topical lotions that you leave on. It should also have a small amount of benzoyl peroxide.


you basically use it in that order.


that's it.





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  • 1 month later...

The above post was very informative. I find though many people have acne and blackheads because of excessive cleaning and harsh chemicals on their skin.


Using a mask daily is too much stress for your skin. I find that unless you have a diagnosed acne problem, the more gentle cleanser you use on your skin the better. I have told all my clients (former - I am a licenced esthetician) to buy Spectro Jel from a Drug store, rub it on your face dry for 30 seconds and remove with water or a tissue.


You should exfoliate maybe 3-4 times per week if the blackheads are serious. Make your own exfoliate in a blender using oatmeal, honey and milk...it must be a fairly thick consistancy....this will be extremly gently on your skin. Try Witchhazel (from a drugstore) as your toner...more effective than any toner on the market....and use your mask only once a week (twice if you feel the urge)...


Try this for 4 weeks and see how your sking turns out, this works for 95% of my former clients...I hope it may work for you.


It is a cheap and extremly effective skin care routine....it can't hurt when all else fails...keep in mind though that peroxide will dry out pimples...but it is very damaging to the skin...it should only be used in severe acne cases...


A little UV light can't hurt either....instead of peroxide....sit outside for 30 minutes a day, or go for a tan at a local tanning salon....the tan will make acne and blackheads appear less noticeable...

Good Luck!

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Dont worry I know how you feel, I relate...... The best advice I have is 1. dont worry, stress can be a major cause in acne...... 2. dont over use products eg. face masks, exfoliants, cleansers, use something gentle, nothing harsh, the product you put on your face, somethimes can make it much worse, dont do what I did and try and drink 2L of water a day, for starters acne is not water related, and it will make you feel bloated (to gooff the subject). I use Witchhazel, it stinks but it works and its gentle, also tea tree oli, is very good, teno6 has a roll on one (very good). Heed this advice, I hope it works. Remember, your beatutiful no matter what

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