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I am worried....need help

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My EX and I split 1 month ago, mutually/more on her end. For the 1st couple weeks we were LC, even initiation. Over the next few days or so, the contact lessened. She said she loves me, wants to work it out, bla bla. I was shown nothing that made me think that. When I would bring up our relationship, she wouldnt tell me how she felt. She even said I was pushing her away....


Well here I am now Day 4 NC, but our last conversation we had worries me. We argued two days in a row. Over petty things....Day 1 she brought up the relationship, we argued, and she blamed it on me....Next day I thought real hard about our last conversation. Friendly call, that erupts over something miniscule I forgot....I then said something true, but I dont know if I should of said it.


After I felt she had enough "time" she wanted more.I told her us breaking up was the best thing thats ever happened too me. I was actually becoming a better person. My relationship with my dad had skyrocketed (he wasnt there for me as a child), I had so many job/career opportunities coming my way. She got quite and listened. I explained that I do love her, and al these doors opening for me now, I want her to walk through them with me. I said I dont need you, I want you...It hurts to not get what I want, but I dont need it. Now I know what I needed to do. She got even more quite, like the hurt quite. She was leaving for work, so I initiated an I love you, she complied.


I hope she didnt get the wrong idea. I want her back, we grew together for 4 years. Thats something I wouldnt let just anyone have. One thing....It seems like if I initiate an I love you, she says it. If I dont, she doesnt....

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One thing....It seems like if I initiate an I love you, she says it. If I dont, she doesnt....


Does she resent you about somthing? It sounds like unexpressed resentment. (IE-shes mad but not talking about it)You are trying very hard to make it work. Shes just not responding too well to your communication. If she resents somthing, expect to see anger, then antagonism about the subject.


I told her us breaking up was the best thing thats ever happened too me. I was actually becoming a better person. My relationship with my dad had skyrocketed


Actually I think this sentence explains the resentment she is showing towards you. Did you tell her that making you a better person will help to improve the relationship? I think you can make this work, if you try hard enough the relationship will come back together.

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