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Not that it means anything


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I feel like nobody's ex cares about the past. If it is NC, or even not, the ex she just doesn't think about her past guy friends. It doesn't stay in her head forever.


My ex sure don't remember me ever. I couldn't be convinced other wise.


Just another rant. They lose all feeling and memory of it. It just leaves them. But doesn't leave the hurt person. It is mutilation of the heart.


I would argue that wherever an ex is, they haven't thought about you anytime recently.


Guess none of it matters.

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Hi ftheunion, I tend to disagree with you here....


Ex's DO remember. I used to think like you are right now, but my past ex has repeatedly popped up time and time again. But then again, do you really want your ex to remember and perhaps reappear? Its a confusing place to be, believe me.


Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it, and more you can do without....


Take Care




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I thought this thread died out. It has been 4 years NC. She has been with enought people in her adolescence that I did get deleted from the everyday conscious memory.


I dunno, I think she live in the adjacent town. I suppose if she wanted to ever track me down she would remember where I live, but she might have just lost the recollection to me in her subconscious. Memory leaves us. There is nothing in the world I couldn't doubt. I doubt that she ever remembers me. Even if she saw me somewhere, She wouldn't know me. All is change and stasis is but an illusion. She is a different person now, so it all is erased. How could it be any other way.


Definitely another dumb rant. No meaning in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Impossible. I punched out one of her ex bf flings right in front of her when we were in highschool. She was literally holding hands with him and I walked up and saw them smiling like a surreal moment, then I broke my pinky hand bone punching his forehead so many times. Dumb cause they laughed at me behind my back when I had my cast on. Even though he didn't even fight back. Just shrinked down into the wall. He was a sophmore just like her, and I was only a freshman (late birthday).


Even though,.................I might or might not have seen her while roving the mall I work at (security) and gave her a hardcore gaze into her eyes/face. She might/might not have looked away and I know she doesn't wanna be around me.


I MEAN NOTHING TO HER. It hurts me kinda. I don't. She thinks I'm dumb maybe. No, she never thinks anything about me. It is the only possible truth.


Song that comes to mind: "Stupid Girl" by Cold

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