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Life with Steven


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I had high hopes for this love of mine only to find out too late that he is a devil inside.


Now after 10 yrs of marriage, I don't want to struggle with him and his issues anymore. I know he has a personaly disorder, but he doesn't care how it affects me. He only sees what a 6 year old would see. He sees me hurting him......I never do anything right and he suffers so much. He told me this morning that he will just have to deside weather he wants to tolerate it or not. I guess he thinks he can find someone else who have fill in the giant hole in his heart. I have covered the wound for as long as I could stand it. When I think he is feeling better another hole opens and the cycle starts again. This rollercoaster is all most over and unlike him and humpy dumpy, I don't need someone to put me back to gether again.


How do people live like this?


Why would someone live like this?


Love or life is too short for drama on a daily basis!

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