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Well-written inspirational book please?


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I know, that's not much for you guys to go on, i'm just so fed up of buying books that end up awful that i'll pick one from what you suggest and search everywhere till i can find it (i don't like ordering off the internet). It's like a little mission.


So, good, well-written, satisfying book. what do you kindly suggest? please give the author name also if you know it (suggest even if its not a popular well-known book)

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ok, no replys, then it doesn't have to be a brilliant book.


Are you reading a book now? does it keep your interest? then please suggest it, because that's what i want, books i have been choosing lately havent been keeping my interest, please.............

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That looks quite interesting, strangely i've never heard of it before, although it seems to be quite popular.


Funnily enough i'm writing a book, and from a brief google search on "The Secret" i found things that it talks about that are in my book, which is quite weird, but i don't want to let it influence the book i'm writing in any way, so i wont read that just yet. (my book is more on the strange side-and it's a novel- but i see similarities between some of the oddities of historical backround and new thought that i didn't realise were published anywhere else in such a format).


By inspirational i mean by virtue of peoples efforts almost, like an example in a way


I'll keep this book in mind for the future thanks


and THANKS for replying "love4life"

i was starting to feel lonely in here

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