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Not sure if a girl likes me.


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Hey. I know the feeling. I am sixteen, and a female, but I can still try and help. See, I recently just discovered what love is. And, like many people say, you can't describe it. But, I am a personal believer in the fact that you have to experience puppy love before you can find real love. Now, I've no idea if you have felt puppy love before or if this girl is the one that will show you what it is, but you will know of it's power one day. Have you ever thought that maybe this girl isn't allowed to have a boyfriend at her age? If she is, maybe there is something stopping her. Maybe she is scared that her feelings are wrong, or maybe she doesn't want to think about going out with you and risk losing you because it will hurt, or maybe she really doesn't see you two together. What you need to do is connect with her on more levels than you have been. You need to get her to trust you. You need to show her, without a written or spoken word, that she can tell you anything and do anything, and that you will feel the same for her. You can't tell her flat out because it can sometimes look desperate. You have to let her know without coming out and telling her. Trust is the key here. You need to be able to trust her and she has to trust you before you two can move on to anything more than friends. And whether this girl is the one that was made for you, or if there is another out there you have yet to meet, you will love again. I promise.

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hey dude, i really hope that you can get to the bottom of this soon, ive been there before trust me...but please do remember and take into consideration that you are only 13 years old, there are alot of girls out there, and im sure that there is one that you are meant to be with. Dont get all tied up in one girl, stay open, life has alot to offer. your only 13 so remember that you have your whole life ahead of you. I think this is just a bad case of "puppy love" dont let it throw you around too much. Stay on your feet and tell her how you feel, if she dosent feel the same then ok, dont sweat it, hold your head up high and keep an eye out for someone els. If she keeps changeing her mind on you i can tell you forsure that she dosent know what she wants, give it time she will mature, and you will also, and this whole situation, and situations like it will become more clear in the future..


hope i helped alittle..

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  • 2 weeks later...



Well I do not think its bad to let her know how you feel but you are only 13... I would not tell her how you love her and that you would die for her... That would be a real good way of scaring her away... Speaking from experiance... If you want something then go for it... Don't hold back. There was one girl back when I was 14 and I REALLY liked her, and well we had this school dance that we needed a date for... I really wanted to ask her to go and I did not ask her because I was afraid she was going to say no... Turns out she wanted to go with me... It was tough knowing that I "missed my shot"... Don't let the same thing happen because you are scared if she says no... Rejection sucks but I have been there too, and I would MUCH rather have been rejected than to have missed my chance... If she says know then is obviously was not ment to be... Hang in there keep your head up and take it one day at a time.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey my friend! Listen in my experiences garls always deny to go out and accepting love coz they are proudy may be ur girl friend is proudy. My friend my advice for u is u have to ask again and I am sure she will accept your thank you and good luck

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  • 5 months later...
Hey my friend! Listen in my experiences garls always deny to go out and accepting love coz they are proudy may be ur girl friend is proudy. My friend my advice for u is u have to ask again and I am sure she will accept your request good luck
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Dude if you like her keep trying I know coming from me, which i only got turned down once(because i only asked once) , that i should shut up but if you keep trying too get her to like you she will get too uncomforatble and just leave you alone. so don't ry too much.

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Yo Cliff,

ask her out if you like her like that. there was a girl i liked last year and her friends sed she liked me so i asked her out, she sed we'd be betta off as frends. yeah i took it hard because i liked her for ages but we were still friends. i always talked to her and got to know her better then i asked her out again a few months ago and she said yes and were still together. so go for it and ask her out.

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