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Using forums as Escapism


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I am online too much. I try to help people, when I am not whole. I just wander aimlessly. Dunno how much longer I'll be single, but that one and only gf destroyed my heart pretty good.


Got no friends to hang out with, just know a few people, but am shy so social stuff never materializes. I suppose I don't put it the effort, but I ain't here to bother people. I am kinda selfish I would say, at least in my head, so I don't talk to people cause then I would have to start talking about myself to keep the conversation from dying. I just feel selfish when talking, so I just listen and say a little brief stuff. Then they usually wander off.


I just wanna escape the mundane. I can't expect nothing, so ain't gonna bother nobody. I am not convinced I can make friends or get a gf or dates by inititiating conversations. Cavemen couldn't talk much, just kinda grunted and stuff. yet they still got mates. It was the simple life back then


So I am currently rambling............I use this forum and several others to check out of "reality" or whatever and keep my mind active. I am an introvert. The pain is something I don't feel, but can't forget.


see what I mean about talking about myself? I suppose these feelings are what a selfish type person deserve. The aloneness is what I deserve since I ain't a great friend or anything. Interesting..........


Yup. Good night then.

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But you're not being selfish, if you want to talk about yourself. It can be so enojoyable to talk with someone else about your own interests. I know as a fellow introvert, it can be tough to socialize. But by putting forth effort, you can reach great rewards. Join a club to get out of the mundane. Do something with your life to push it along. Only through effort can you get out of your shell; isn't that what you want?

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I can't respond to a thread without ending up talking about myself. Pretty sure I'm a selfish as hell though I am trying to work on it. Ppl yawn when I open my mouth to speak, I think I completely de-rail most conversation. I'm fairly sure that I suck the energy right out any room when I enter, and everyone can sense it. (yeah im slightly paranoid as I get older)


You are not alone. I come here to escape as well. A really wonderful person here helped me get over a break up and now I'm hooked to this place. It is an awesome sounding board and most of the members really want to help each other.


How long ago was your breakup if you don't mind me asking? No need to answer if you don't want to go there.

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