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how can i make things new again


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ok so ive been dating this girl for about nine months. we started dating at the beginning of the summer and i cant speak for her but for me it was the best summer of my life. by the middle of the summer i was already sure that i loved her. then school started up and it was still great but then the work started to really kick in, especially for her. eventually the monotony of school started to kick in and have an effect on our relationship. now she is one of the hardest working people i know so she rarely has time for lots of spontaneous and exciting things to do. i love her to death and i tried my ass off to make her happy because all this work she has just kills her. but as time went on she just started to get tired of things and it was obvious to the point that for about a month i knew something was up but i didnt want to say anything because i didnt want to believe it. i just kept doing everything i could for her and trying to make her happy. just recently the ice was broken and we talked about splitting up. i was by no means a big fan of this because like i said, i love her so much and even if we do break up i could never forget her because she is the most incredible girl i have ever met and also the first girl i ever loved. just being around her after we break up would torture me to death. but in this conversation we had about breaking up she said that she was not as happy anymore and that she didnt think things could last longer. i told her that i didnt want to break up at all but id rather do that instead of force her to be with me if she doesnt like me. then i told her to think about it and make sure that she has not simply taken me for granted and i told her to make sure this is not something she would regret afterwards. so she took some time and decided not to end it because she wanted to try and make it work, for the sake of what we had before she started feeling this way. she loved me more than anything once too. though i hesitate to say it, i have to say that im sort of disappointed. i expected her to just brake it up but she didnt. i mean i would like more than anything in the world to stay together but this pretty much means that i have do whatever i can to make things feel new again. i wish i could say that i knew what to do. i wish more than anyhting that i had answers. i want to be with her and i want for her to love me the way she used to but i have to figure out how to make things new and real again. if anyone can help me out, id be grateful. thanks.

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the little bit that i do know about women,is that they gey bored with the person they r with after a certain amount of time.especially the younger ones.the nicer that you are,the more boring you become to them.they want challenge,mystery.without being to obvious,stop trying so hard and act as if you could care less...good luck


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