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started out much like any other....


my hour and a half drive into work...and silence, except for the ramblings in my head...


all the shouf have and would haves, the things that i needed to make right and the things that will forever go undone....


how my life has become so compact and de compartmentalized, how i can separate the differnat parts of my life....and take up my days with work amd all...

my oldest son i havent talked to in about a month....thou we live in the same house, my youngest is crawling up inside his head as i use to when i was his age....and still there is no relief for me, trying to work out there problems and mine....


thou the x has been more civilied then before, and it scares me to know when she will go off on her next tangint....


but who cares right.....i dont anymore....i have cared for to long for to many, and yet...as much as i dont care i still do....


at present, i am bagged up, three sheets to the wind, and i am at work....liquid lunch...to many mistakes, and not enough time to make up for them,,,,,

i have drove anyone and everyone that was worth any salt out of my life...some because they werent strong enough to hold one and help out. others because they left me high and dry, and yet others because i feel i dont deserve them to be in my life...


Funny that i would know already that i will grow to be a bitter, lonely old man....

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well today is my x's birthday....funny that i would set here an think about it...i really do hope that she can find happiness, and all that she wants in life...i sent her an email this morning simpy to say happy birthday..


today is just an empty day for me...to much pondering i think...silent muses...oh well to bad for me i guess....


Tu non llores mi querida....

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Funny that i cant seem to get you out of my head today...


but then again, i think things have come full circle you see, we were stangers. then friends, became lovers, and now were friends, and now starangers again....


dont know why i feel this way, maybe as the seasons have changes and the winter is near, my heart has finally stopped, and the cold had crept in...much as the winter will soon be here.

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I think its time for me to bow out now, and leave with what little dignity i have left...you are free now from me,


you wont remember me, in a year or two...its probably better that way, all i would be is more of a painful memory then a cherished one...


i will bid you fare thee well, and hope the best for you...

i hope your happy, at least you sound like you are...


good bye my sweet angel

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