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IUD problems and question


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Hello. SO I just got an IUD for medical reasons (never had kids but I do have endometriosis so the doc's said it was a good idea) Long story short: My boyfriend can feel the string and he says it tickles him...constantly. We have only tried having sex since I got it twice but the first time it was so distracting he could not even orgasm.


So has anyone experienced this before? Will it go away? Will he get used to it?


The only things I could think of were that they said the string will soften eventually...or getting the string cut shorter? I have no clue...I would just really hate for this to get in the way of our sex life seeing as it is kind of my last resort for managing my endo. Thanks!

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Hello. SO I just got an IUD for medical reasons (never had kids but I do have endometriosis so the doc's said it was a good idea) Long story short: My boyfriend can feel the string and he says it tickles him...constantly. We have only tried having sex since I got it twice but the first time it was so distracting he could not even orgasm.


So has anyone experienced this before? Will it go away? Will he get used to it?


The only things I could think of were that they said the string will soften eventually...or getting the string cut shorter? I have no clue...I would just really hate for this to get in the way of our sex life seeing as it is kind of my last resort for managing my endo. Thanks!


There are two main reasons for this happening:


1. The strings were cut too short so they are "poking out" of your cervix in wrong way


2. They have not softened.



I have an IUD, and the strings are wrapped up around the cervix and are very soft - one really has to look for them to find them/feel them. My boyfriend has never felt them while he was in there.


Check back with your doc and see if they are too short if they have not softened up in a week or two and he still notices them.

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In my case, it didn`t work out for me (I was bleeding for 2 months straight after having it put in!), but my bf could also feel the strings after some time. I had them cut even shorter, but the ends still kept poking him. Gave him quite the heebie jeebies after awhile, so probably just as well my body rejected the IUD!

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I had the same problem with the IUD.... plus even worse the thing got knocked out of place... and apparently it could have perforated my internal organs if it had not been removed on time.


Frightened me and I'd never consider that method of bc again....

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So if they are to short would I have to get ANOTHER one inserted? Jesus the first one was so painful!! I hope to god they soften up then...I got it in last friday and we were just "allowed" to have sex on monday so it is pretty early.




A lot of doctors apparently insert them and cut strings too short; they think that it will be LESS bothersome, when the reverse is actually true. You don't want them too long mind you, but not so short that they cannot wrap around the "nub" of the cervix.

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Gahhh Freaky! I just hope it works out for me..and doesnt turn into one of these horror stories...this IUD is like my last hope for pain management for my condition so if it doesnt work itself out its either pain for me or pain for him...and bad sex


I saw another post like this one and someone suggested pushing the string up before sex. Do you think that would work?

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Gahhh Freaky! I just hope it works out for me..and doesnt turn into one of these horror stories...this IUD is like my last hope for pain management for my condition so if it doesnt work itself out its either pain for me or pain for him...and bad sex


I saw another post like this one and someone suggested pushing the string up before sex. Do you think that would work?


While there are people for whom it did not work; I know plenty for whom it did. I personally love my IUD and I have discovered it is THE birth control method for me.


By the way; you don't need to have had kids to have them, even if not for medical reasons. I never have had children. That is more advice from days long ago with the draconian old IUD's they had and before they realized WHY they caused issues of scarring/infection. The old IUD's were just BAD.


The main factors to consider are whether the candidate is in a monogamous relationship, has low history of infections, is willing to accept the risk that in unlikely chance there is pregnancy it is more likely to be ectopic (which can cause loss of a fallopian tube), and whom does not have history of painful cramps/heavy periods (in cases of non-hormonal IUD for example can worsen them, or the IUD can get dislodged).


I am not sure what that would do; you can't really just push them into your cervix! I would be a bit worried about accidentally dislodging the IUD by playing around with them too much at this point.


Have you felt for the strings as of yet? When you feel them, do they feel like they are poking or are really short/close to cervix?

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The whole thing kind of freaked me out. I tried feeling for them myself on the thrid day after but I couldnt find it so I had my bf do it. It took him a while and we almost called the doc but he found it after another try. He said it was all shoved up at the top but he guided it back down with his finger.


So I personally have not felt it...He said it felt pretty long

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Well, he should of let them stay; they will stay shoved all the way at the top and curl around your cervix. You WANT them to do this as you won't feel them that way during sex, and they won't catch on things like tampons and cause the IUD to dislodge.


They don't need to be "hanging down" at all, so next time he can just leave them up there!


The strings generally are not easy to find unless you know how to do it after a few tries. I used to have to squat a bit and feel right up there, behind my cervix, and I could just barely feel them. They feel like soft thread.

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Trust me you want the string long for a bit! After an IUD is placed is can shift in the uterus slightly and if the Doc cuts the string to short the string can irriate the cervix and have to be removed. I had one that the string was cut to short and my Pap came back with abnormal cells, I freaked but the doc throught the IUD string had something to do with it so it was removed and TaDa no more abnormmal pap! I liked the IUD though was a no braineer birth control that really worked well when I had it. I was told that you need to have it inserted and let it settle for a month or two and then the doc can shorten the string if it become necessary. Make DOUBLE SURE that you check for that string every month, and make sure that you do feel it. Cause if you don't it could signal a problem, and don't be afraid to call the doc about it and even go in to have the doc look for the string if you are not sure that you can fell it. You may think it is stupid but I learned the hard way what could happen if you don't.


My ex never said a thing about the string but your man could be more senstive or just because he felt it that one time and now it is stuck on his brain he thinks he feels it. The string is like a tiny thin string that to me looked like really thin fishing wire. Not the best way to think of it I know but hey that is all I could think of.


I have had 2 IUD's, first one was great except for the string thing which resulted in the removal the second one well not to scare you cause this only happens in like one out of like one million users, but the second one migrated stright through my uterus and ended up in my abdomen, which had to be removed through surgery. Like I said that only rarely happens. When mine migrated I was the talk of the freaking hospital cause not a one of the doctors, and there were a lot as this was a military hospital, had ever seen this happen.


IUD's in my opinion are great BC methods and if your doc thinks it is a good option for you I would give it a bit more time to get used to it. Like I said he may just have the idea of that string being in there stuck in his mind and that is why it bothers him so much.

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The uid went into your abdomen or the string?? Sorry just curious now. Thanks for the advice! I'm gonna give it time then call the doc if nothing changes. I'm also bleeding A LOT so that can't go on for too long. (My body naturally has it's period twice a month so since the IUD it's just been freakin out) I really want this to work though!

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The uid went into your abdomen or the string?? Sorry just curious now. Thanks for the advice! I'm gonna give it time then call the doc if nothing changes. I'm also bleeding A LOT so that can't go on for too long. (My body naturally has it's period twice a month so since the IUD it's just been freakin out) I really want this to work though!


It is a pretty rare risk (I think .01% or something) that the IUD can puncture into abdomen...generally the uterus heals on its own, and often you don't even know it has (can't feel it). Most of the time when it DOES happen it is during insertion as the doctor has not properly measured your uterus before, or has no idea how to put them in (yikes!).


Good luck, I hope it works for you.

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The doc put the thing in right it was just a freak thing where it went through my uterus. It is really really a rare thing so I wouldn't say don't get one because of that. In my case they never knew why it did go through, and yes the string went with it that is why it is so important to check for that string each month, the uterus healed totally and I have no residule effects from it, but I can never have an IUD again, but since I got my tubes tied that doesn't really bother me. and the other poster is right I never felt a thing, just went to check for the string and couldn't feel it, so I went in and the doc didn't see it either so I got x-rayed and they found it that way and I got a trip to the OR.


You have only had it in place for a short time so I would say give it a little more time for you body to adapt and regulate itself. I know we all wish that the medical cures that our docs recommend would happen in a snap but they don't and you just have to be patient and see if your body can get itself under control.


I still recommend IUD's because even though I went through some troubles with mine I still think they are a great birth control for busy women who like me tend to forget to take the pill. What happened to me carries a very small chance of occurring, I mean there are risks even with the pill so I never tell anyone not to try it because there is a small risk of something weird happening because there are risks in every medical intervention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, this is an older post, but I had to chime in... I've had an IUD for years and I'd recommend it to anyone. I haven't had children, so it took 1.5 hours, a lot of pain, and some blood to get it in, but I wouldn't give it up for anything.


My ex partner did feel the strings, even when they were longer. I think he was more sensitive than the average guy (in many ways!). The doctor cut the strings shorter, and that made it even worse. You can use a finger to push the strings up and out of the way, making them curl around the cervix, but a lot of times they'll pop back down.


Anyway, how are you doing now? Does your boyfriend still feel the strings? Hopefully this works out for you!



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