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How come people don't like me...


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This is almost a vain question, but I have been banned from two other forums:



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I also got a warning email from this site, but don't know what for. I asked for the first one listed above, but thats the first time I've been threatened about my user name being offensive, no admin has even mentioned the avatar. I got around one, but the latest one is gonna be tough to get around. My IP address gave me away with 2 new accounts, those admins on Askthelove forums are friken B****es, and they started it first. They don't like criticism, neither does this other user that I think turned me in. They don't wanna hear others opinions apparently.


I ain't racist, and not totally white...


I am mouthy I guess, but in a world full of yankees, what else am I to do. Just don't want everyone to get unsound advice, cause them yankees don't get it. They don't get anything. They think they do. Not that I know anything, but they sure don't. I am quiet in person. I don't have friends really. I don't see them hardly ever. That's why I'm into philosophy so much.


Does it even matter I try to come on here. I felt so confused once, but didn't know about forums like these, so I wouldn't wish the feeling on anyone. That's why I think up all this junk to help the poeple on here. this is more like a rant...


What should I do now.....I feel oppressed.

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Maybe you should go to politically oriented forums with like-minded people when you want to discuss provocative social/political topics?


People come to forums like this for personal or relationship advice, not to argue philosophies. For a forum like this and the other ones you listed, a less aggressive attitude and user name/avatar will gain you a friendlier reception.

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You sound like you have cool interests. I guess there is just a time and a place for certain things

It's good you have your own opinions - if you can appreciate and respect other people's opinions then not only will people like you, you will also become a more educated individual and that is always cool, no one can ever have enough knowledge.


If you are talking with an intelligent and sensible individual then you should be able to understand their point of view - even if you don't agree with it. So just keep talking to intelligent and sensible people, make sure you are able to understand their point of view and be happy.

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you are entitled to your own beliefs and opinions. it will only become a problem if you force them on other people or belittle the beliefs of others based on your own.


i am not an American, but do come from a country where unionism and independence are an issue.


the confederate flag is like a red rag to a bull in many cases. a short history lesson should teach you why.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I argue otherwise, because the south was running out of guys, and even though they weren't supposed to, the enlisted free black men to fight. At the end of the war they had a mixed unit with slaves, free black guys, and whites all fighting together. Plus only 30 percent of southerners had slaves. They were too expensive. Not saying it was ok, but it was about states rights for succession.


That ain't why I use it. I just don't care for politics and the elitist government. Thanks for response though.


Have a good one.

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You are young and speak of things that you know little of. Your user name is "f*** the union". That offends me. I have carried a rifle in foreign places in service of the union you live in. I have friends who have bled and died on God forsaken streets because someone that lives in a dirt hut thought it would be funny to turn the carcass of a cow into a roadside bomb. You don't know anything about life. I hope we will never meet. Have a nice day.

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Dropping the whole 'ftheunion', hate yankees, go confederacy, thing might help you out quite a bit. I don't like the government right now either, but that's no reason to adopt some crazy philosophy that you're not really even that connected to... and using words like 'yankee' to describe basically anyone you disagree with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

User name is just a user name, I dont judge people over that, Anyway,what to do what to do when you don't have many friends? You didn't mentiont hat you want them, but Im guessing you do or you wouldn't be on this site right now.


The best thing to do when making friends is to first be a friend. Don't talka bou youself a lot, they tend not to engage inf riendship when everything is about you. Its basically being yourself, asking if they ever want to hang out and Bada boom bada bang, you have a friend .


You need to relate,dont worry abou being liked. Have your own thing going as well,philosphy is cool and all,but do you ever feel like starting some new goals like joining a gym or joining a club,Maybe you can enrol in school and take a few classes on what your interested,turn your opinions and thoughts into a dream,pursue it, Im actually in the process of joining a boxing club, I can't wait


Not trying to sound like I know everything, but I do know that in order to have a friend you first have to be a friend...Hope this helped or at least made you feel a little better..


Lifes tough,Get a helmet!

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I am mouthy I guess, but in a world full of yankees, what else am I to do. Just don't want everyone to get unsound advice, cause them yankees don't get it. They don't get anything. They think they do. Not that I know anything, but they sure don't.


Well, I'm not sure about the other forums or your other posts, but I can tell you the problem that many people would see with your above post is that you are stereotyping and belittling an entire group/region of people. If I said "All of those californians are mindless clones" you probably wouldn't feel to fond of me, eh? (Not that I think that - just giving an example...you get the idea.)

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I am mouthy I guess, but in a world full of yankees, what else am I to do. Just don't want everyone to get unsound advice, cause them yankees don't get it. They don't get anything. They think they do. Not that I know anything, but they sure don't.


This might be why.


Making massive generalizations and using terms like 'yankees' is probably a large part of the problem. If you want people to like you, then change those things. If you don't care, then don't change. Nobody's oppressing you. You seem to want to express your opinion while at the same time worrying what others think. Own your opinions, if you really believe in them. But there are consequences to free speech. You have to be willing to accept that everyone has the free speech to disagree with you, also.

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