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good vibes?[help]


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There is this girl that i really like we talk almost everyday she did some things that seemed a little more than friendly last week she has done this more than once. as i was walking from my 2nd period class she came up behind me and poked my ass with her hand hehe, then she did that little look that means she wants you to know she did it and was trying to be like i didnt do it. then she walked next to me and we talked again about stupid sh*t , then one day i was mad about something and i was showing it by being a little antisocial i was angry. SHe came over to me and asked me what was wrong and i told her that i wasnt feeling well, she asked me what she could do to make me feel better . i just looked her in the eye and smiled she gave me a hug and sat down and talked to me. could this be the beginning of something more then friends, are these "more then friends signs"? please help

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It sounds to me that this girl is just trying to be good friends with you. She is comfortable enough with her own sexuality and comfortable enough with you to not think that her actions would violate anything that you two share. A poke on the butt isn't something that I would think to be a gesture to show her attraction to you but rather just being goofy. Is it something that you would want to explore with her? If so, maybe you could talk to her about it in a comforatble manner. Bring up celebrities that you may think she'd be attracted to and ask her her opinoin. But I would just assume that she is not trying to put a move on you or anything. If she is, then she will probably do something down the road a bit to let you know what her intentions are.You can take it from there to tell her how you feel, whether you want to try it out or whether you are uncomfortable with it. Try not to let a friendship end over this in any case. Good luck!

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