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How do you start a conversation with her?


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Congratulations, you have the first step accomplished, you found someone that you like. At times, this can be one of the hardest steps to overcome. As Holden would say, there are too many phonies.


Soo, you've talked to her a few times. This is good. At least she is aware of your existence. What to do next, you ask? Next you should start to make your seeing her a more common occurrence. Find out where her locker is and pass by when you figure that she should be there. If she sees you, smile. When you do so, look into her eyes. If she responds with the same eye contact and a smile, you have done good. If not, you never know. She might be having a bad day. Be persistent, but not a stalker.


After this, she would begin to figure that you like her. Talk to her as often as you can, but don't look like you are trying to talk to her at every moment. When you talk, look into her eyes. When she talks, look into her eyes and move your eyebrows - it makes you look even more interested in what she has to say.


Figure out what you would like to do with her on a date. A movie, a hockey game, etc. When the time seem right, approach her in private, and most importantly - IN PERSON and ask her to go to the _________ with you. If she says no, let the issue go. Don't ask why or ask what you did, just accept it.


If you do this, you have a good chance that she will come to you with problems at some point in time, with the possibility of developing a relationship.


If she says no, still try to be a person that she could come to with her problems. If she looks upset, ask her what is wrong and try to comfort her.



Good luck!!!

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