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loosing virginity question (for girls)


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hey,so I am thinking about loosing my virginity soon and had a question. I have masturbated tons of times, but only with clit stimulations and never a dildo/fingers...so ive pretty much never stuck anything up there...not even tampons( i use pads) i was wondering..before i have sex should i practise what it feels like to put something in me, or just go with the flow and be with the guy first.....would it make it any less painful/uncomfortable?

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after you feel that its the right time, don't just do it with any guy because your horny. so after you feel this guy may be the right one you want to do it with then just let him know that your still a virgin. be sure to use a condom and test him tho!! yes you can get something and you can get pregnant the first time!!

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I'm still a virgin, but yeah I'm sure it would be beneficial to stretch out a bit. If you're putting something big in there and you're not used to it it can be a pretty big painful shock. So I'd say it's best to start with small things. Even that hurt for me at first because I don't use tampons either, so wasn't used to it but now I'm fine. If you prepare yourself by stretching out I've been told it can really make a difference and you want your first time to be pleasurable not too painful!

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Not a female, but...


PeanutButter is correct. How much you really care is going to have a big effect on your first time. Doing it just out of curiosity / horniness is a guarantee of a poor first experience, and may put you off doing it again in the future.


The women I've spoken to have said they needed several times before they got to the point of really enjoying it. Also keep in mind that young guys generally know zip about what you need.


If you've never had anything in there, it's going to hurt a lot. "Like a bad case of cramps," one woman told me. You're going to end up stretching quite a bit. As a practical matter, a finger or two is probably the place to start. A small finger. The actual thing is more like 2-3 fingers bunched together.


Edit: oh, and I forgot to mention. Lubrication has a huge effect on how it feels for both of you. Virgin or not. Being dry is really tough on both of you, so you don't want to get into it if you're not fully aroused.

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I'm a guy, and I won't turn your question into a diatribe on "safe sex" ... I'm sure you have heard that 1,000 times!


My question is ... are you really into this guy??? or do you just want to experience sex for the first time???????


Girl ... you will have plenty of opportunity to hump for pleasure ... but sex is sooo much more than that!!!!



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Hey there. I have a couple of things to say. First, I'm sorry and I don't want to sound mean, but there is no such thing as losing your virginity to the "right" guy. That never made any sense to me. No offense. I also think it's alright for people to have sex just to have sex (yes even GIRLS!!!!!!!!!). Just be VERY careful about STD's, STI's, and getting pregnant. Okay.


Anyway, my first time didn't really hurt that much. I did use tampons, though. If it would make you feel better to try fingering yourself or something first, then what have you got to lose? And I'm not sure if it's breaking the hymen that hurts (I don't think it is, though) or the stretching part. But the hurt goes away after a bit. Just don't stress about it because that will make you tighter and cause it to hurt more. Relax and go with it. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.



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Hey there. I have a couple of things to say. First, I'm sorry and I don't want to sound mean, but there is no such thing as losing your virginity to the "right" guy.




i agree there is no right guy.


but i meant the right guy between a good person and a dirt bag. theres a right guy. kinda get it? like pick someone whos not a jerk or whos not just there to fruck a virgin or just fruck.

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No offense. I also think it's alright for people to have sex just to have sex (yes even GIRLS!!!!!!!!!).

I didn't mean to sound moralizing. I'm just comparing the conversations I had with some 6 different women about their experiences. The ones who did so in the context of a relationship with someone they at least liked a lot had a lot better time the first time than the ones who did not. And if it doesn't work out so well the first time, a real boyfriend is the one who is going to stick around and make sure the next time is better.

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I agree PeanutButter. And Godless_Heathen, I was in the middle of posting mine when you posted your reply so I didn't see it before I wrote mine (if that makes any sense? haha).


What I'm trying to say is I wasn't saying anything directly towards either of you and I'm sorry if it sounded like I was.

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