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just snorted about 4 grams of cocaine tonite. This would be my 4th friday night in a row. My friend offers it for free every weekend and its just so hard to stay strong. I feel like im at an ultimate low right now... I'm always stating how its "my last time." I feel like im building an addiction. Right ow i cant sleep and im just so depressed. I just cant seem to get ahead anymore.. im losing control of my life.


My gf doesnt even know that i use... there is so much guilt building up. I feel like i have already destroyed any chance i could ever of had being normal and happy. Just been ruining my brain and my body with substances and its irreversable. I feel lost and i just want to breath through my nose again and go to sleep

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I feel for you.


The good thing is you are very aware of the damage you are causing yourself and how this drug will do you NO good in ANY way shape or form.


Drugs are not really something I know much about unfortunately, but I would say that this ''friend'' that keeps giving you this is NOT a friend and you need to distance yourself from him ASAP. Cut off all contact. He is doing you and your life no good whatsoever.


Where are you from? The thing I'd suggest is ringing a helpline and seeing what they have to say. I don't know how addicted you are but the only other alternative is to gather all your strength (If you think you have enough) and keep telling youself that you do NOT need this crap that you're putting inside your body and that you deserve better.


Do not be disillusioned in to thinking that if you carry on, you won't be just another crack head on the streets, beggin for money with not a penny to his name, nobody to care about..and no dignity.


Only you can quit.

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Hi there,


I've never done coke before so I cant give you any personal experiences. Its great you realize this is a "lifestyle" you dont want to keep up with. I've seen how drugs can really mess up lives. My uncle died from alcohol poison. A few things I think you should do:


Stop hanging out with your "friend". If you are not around he/she it will be less tempting to use.

Tell your girlfriend about the drug use. If she is supportive, she will understand and be there for you.

Get some support by going to the nearest narcotics anymounous.

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