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just snorted about 4 grams of cocaine tonite. This would be my 4th friday night in a row. My friend offers it for free every weekend and its just so hard to stay strong. I feel like im at an ultimate low right now... I'm always stating how its "my last time." I feel like im building an addiction. Right ow i cant sleep and im just so depressed. I just cant seem to get ahead anymore.. im losing control of my life.


My gf doesnt even know that i use... there is so much guilt building up. I feel like i have already destroyed any chance i could ever of had being normal and happy. Just been ruining my brain and my body with substances and its irreversable. I feel lost and i just want to breath through my nose again and go to sleep.

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you realllly neeed to stop man!

i know people who use it and they tell me: please dont ever try it, cause once you do it is so hard to say no. but it can be done.

look at all the people who are addicted to it, it doesnt take long. stop while you can. the fact that you cant say no to your friend and keep saying last time" means you ae on the road to an addiction. a very fine line you a treading.

stop whil you can and before you mess your life up and maybe never even can make it to a rehab.

rehabs cost like $20.000

look at celebs like lindsey lohan, and all the other ones. it ruins people.

dont depend on any substance to make you happy or make you lose control.

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Im wonder what makes u use it. I guess what made u start to use it. Its like breaking out of a habit and as much as u have will power, its gonna be hard. It also takes time. you are also focusing on the end result which is almost making u feel lower and probably causing u to need something to make urself feel better. I think ur best bet is to try to stay away and if u can get away from the crowd u are in because if there is any peer pressure its gonna make u feel bad probably and make it so much harder. Life is hard and it sucks on so many levels but thru it all there will be some good times. I would say tryin to learn to enjoy who u are as a person is a good step.

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