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I Need A Date


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I think the moral of the story is: stay away from online dating. I've known people who have had successes and some who haven't. I met my ex-boyfriend online, although not through a dating site, so you can find someone. However, personally, I am not sure that I would recommend it. If you do find someone you like online, the whole thing is laden with expectations - possibly on both sides, maybe on one side. It's very much, a date, leading to a possible long-term relationship from day one. I know, that if you meet someone and like them, in your mind you'll be thinking there might be a long-term relationship some day, but this is different. I think it's much better to try and meet more people and then one day, accidentally meet the right person. Seems to me that the best things aren't planned.

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Yeah. Actually, I'd recommend ditching the whole dating thing for the mo and just try to find some time to social in general. To meet new people and get some new activities/energy pumping into your life n schedule.


If there's no time for socializing, where would ya have time for a bf? Unless you are looking for something casual.


Might be fun. Though I am bias. Unless you are really ready to get down to business and enter that whole pool of internet dating (it depressed the hell out of me, to be honest! much less depressing just meeting people the old fashioned way- at least there is more actual human contact going on in person, the aspect of sharing some activity or community in common, and if it doesn't turn out; you're still doing something you love and want to be doing anyways.

With internet dating, you could walk away thinking what a friggin waste of a night if there is no connection. I dunno. ).


There are a bunch of threads here about the different dating sites and a bunch of opinions/experiences with them. Try the Search feature, you'll come up with a bucketload of opinions.

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I'm coming to Tampa in 2 weeks. How about a date with me?


Dating sites are no good, in my opinion. I've done a good share of it, and the people I've met have mostly been flakey as hell. I have this theory in my head that they are on dating sites to meet people, because people in the real world who met them would not put up with their crap...lol. Yeah, most of the people I've met online have been liars, cheaters, gold-diggers, psychos, weirdos - you name, I've seen it.


I think the people here make some good points. At a base line, you want to meet someone who shares your interests and values. That's why it's good to just do what you enjoy doing and maybe someone will turn up. Maybe it's through your church, a volunteer activity, the place you work (careful though), a hangout with friends, whatever. I think people date online because it's easier, faster, and allows them to save face. Takes alot more to walk up to a person and say 'how you doin' than it does to click 'wink' or whatever. Plus, when you are online, you don't really know who you are talking to or what they are about. Better to meet a person IN PERSON, that way you can understand them through their behavior.

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I have the same exact problem, except I just got out of an intense 4-month long relationship last month with this woman I met on link removed.


Throughout my 20s I haven't been able to meet anyone, except through friends and families, and not a single one lasted more than 3 weeks nor had any romance or physical chemistry.


My problem is that I work full-time at an aerospace company that has mostly age 40+ married folks that you're not allowed to fraternize with, and I go to school after hours. I don't have any clubs that I join, nor have any time in the week to socialize, so I'm really stuck in a rut. That's why I turned to online dating and I'm still sticking with link removed although I'm starting to get very discouraged over the whole system. I have been invited to an old high-school friend's birthday party, so hopefully I'll meet some single women there as well. But I'm not expecting or planning on hooking up with any of the other people attending.


Do any of you guys have any suggestions as to how I can meet people outside of school and work?

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I recently got out of a relationship, and I am ready to start dating but I work full-time and go to school so I don't really hang out much to meet people. I was wondering if anybody could give the names of some good dating sites.


You go to school? there should be plenty of people there.

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I've had GREAT luck with dating sites, but there are a few things to remember:


First, a person's photo shows nothing about them other than the fact that they are in fact the sex you hope, and their skin, hair, and sometimes eye colour. Beyond that you're not going to get a good idea of someone from a photograph. Don't even TRY. In fact, the less photos you see of someone in advance, the better.


Secondly, in general you don't get a whole lot of the people pretending to be someone they're not (at least I never did) and you don't see as many of the psychos as some might lead you to believe. I dunno, perhaps some people are psycho magnets, and others (like myself) don't ever see a psycho because they're busy being drawn to the psycho magnets? But in any case be safe.


Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, online is for MEETING a person to see if there's enough interest for a date. That's it. No more, no less. You have NO RELATIONSHIP until it has been taken offline. thereforeeee, meet as quickly as possible (generally within a couple weeks to a month at the latest) and do not get your heart involved on any level, except maybe the inevitable hoping there will be chemistry, until you meet. Easier said than done but very important. You will find that most people who have embraced the online dating thing are, often like yourself, busy and not into the club/bar scene. Not bad things at all. There are a lot of quality professional men online if you are selective and objective.


Lastly, do NOT consider a long distance relationship. The net makes it easy to hook up with someone you think is your soulmate, 8 hours away, but it isn't real. Avoid it. If someone you seem to like lives so far, keep it on a friendship level unless and until the friendship gets taken offline and it ends up being a real relationship. I cannot stress this enough.


As far as sites, I have had the best luck with link removed and link removed. Lavalife especially is big where I am. Good luck!

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So far I have had 2 girls lie about their age. One lied about her height as well (said she was 5'1", but she later admitted to only being 4'10"). Also had a girl lie about her schooling, said she was going to Arcadia for Journalism, but I saw right through that lie. Same girl also lied about being not being in a relationship, but I found out she was.

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