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Where should this go on my resume?

Double J

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Hi everyone,


I'll be graduating from college in December, so I'm already polishing my resume in advance.


In July, I took on a "job" as a product review writer for a website that specializes in reviewing home gear and appliances. So far, I only have one article posted there, but I hope to have at least three by the time I graduate. The website, by the way, is a start-up venture and is ad supported.


My question is this: should I put this "job" under the work experience section on my resume? I don't get paid for it, but I think it'd benefit me in the sense that I could show employers my writing samples. (My field will consist of lots of writing so I think they'd want to see samples anyhow.)


If not under the work experience section, where would I tack this onto?



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What kind of job are you looking for? That would change how I dealt with this?


Second, what about changing the "work experience" section to one just titled "experience." You are not and will not be expected to have a lot of xperience work or otherwise, but including it should not be a bad thing.

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