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I have been in lite contact with my ex (we speak maybe once or twice a week) since he decided that he loved me but did not want to be in a committed relationship. It took him almost 4 years of seeing each other to come to this decision. Anywho my problem is everytime we do talk he wants to know what I have been doing in my personal life. I never ask him because I feel like he has made his decision and so I really could care less what he does with other women. However I can't understand why he wants to know what I am doing Also whenever we talk he keeps bringing up the relationship, when I keep telling him "hey I'm over it" so we don't have to keep discussing it (almost like he's trying to convince or justify to himself that he did the right thing). This makes me not want to talk to him because it's a real downer. I don't think it's cool to discuss what I may or may not be doing with other guys with him, and I think it's weird that he's asking. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

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simple solution. CUT CONTACT. NO MORE CONTACT.

you havent had any time to just BE ALONE with your thoughts.

that is so vital and crucial and all other words describing important.

make him deal with his decision and dont give him the benefit of being able to chit chat with you. its obviously not enjoyable/confusing since you posed the question here. nothing good will come if you both keep having light contact without having a proper "away" time of at LEAST two months. i was in a 3.5 year rship and we've been on and off NC for about 4 months. and he still has yet to be the man i was going to marry. hes cold. distant. never calls. no thank you.


you NEED to stop talking to him for awhile.

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I agree. If he broke up with you, he shouldn't get everything (that is, walk out of a relationship but still have you available as a friend). Normally, even little convos with the ex bother people that have been dumped, but some of the subjects you have to discuss are a bit over the line. NC is probably the way to go.

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