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Met this gal, confused, need advice


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Met this awesome gal online awhile back and we finally met after about 2 months of talking on the phone and online.


So we hang out alot, spend a good bit of time together, can talk about just about any subject w/o feeling shy, went camping twice, slept in the same tent, met the parents, and according to my phone bill spent 90 hrs on the phone last month(thank God for free cell 2 cell calling).


Thing I don't get, the other day she asks me why I'm so 'attachted' to her and that maybe she should try and find me another female friend or w/e and that I'm wasting my time w/her...What is she trying to say?


Also, I just feel this connection to her in a way that I've never felt or shared with any of the women friends I've ever had because we can litterally share anything at all. I made the mistake, I guess, of telling her how I felt and asked her how she felt about that. She told me she didn't know and just thought it was weird or w/e. Anyways, we haven't kissed, held hands or anything and neither of us have ever had a relationship in the past, both of us @ 20, and I dunno I really want to ask her to be my girl but I'm just not sure of some of what she says and what it all means. Is it the right time or should I wait?


I'm just confused I guess and need some advice, thanks.

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If she's asking you why you're so "attached" to her, you've told her how you feel and she thinks it's weird.. then it sounds like you're coming on a bit strong.

If you've met her parents then are you her "boyfriend" or just a friend? Is it possible, that in the weird way children are with their parents, they have put her off you?

In any case, if she isn't gazing lovingly at you by now, I would back off. I have been in a situation where a man was all over me like a rash, I thought he was an idiot, and then as soon as he got another girlfriend I realised I wanted him and was terribly jealous. Sometimes there's a weird game you have to play with women that not even the most intelligent of us understand. If you told her you fancied her, and she didn't respond well, leave her alone and see what happens. Pursuing her makes you look desperate, and no girl likes that.

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Well, she does the gaze thing but from time to time and when she does it's different from any other, I dunno but I overheard her dad once say that he can always tell when she's on the phone with me cause she smiles, for whatever that's worth.

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Well, firstly, can I ask what w/e means? I can't figure that one out.


If she gazes, and smiles, then there's something there. She could be frightened, and having never had a relationship before, it's quite possible that she is.

And if she is, once again, you need to give her space. Women are neurotic creatures. Various facets of our personalities need to be assessed, reassessed and analysed before we can contemplate giving in to anything. It should be noted that that does not apply to shopping.


When you told her that you had feelings for her, was her reaction that of terror, disgust or confusion?


If you're prepared to wait, then give her space. But, on the other hand, it may be worthwhile simply asking her whether she wants you, and if she doesn't know, then shrugging your shoulders and leaving her alone. But that depends on you, and on her. The best advice I think I can give you is to be very very strong. Not only will that save you from from any rejection, it will show, and women absolutely love that. If she's not quite sure she wants you, and you make it clear that you're upset, but you will move on quickly, that you haven't got time to horse around, she will find it irresistible.

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We were talking online when I told her but she played it off as if it were confusion.


W/e means whatever, sorry.


I don't even know how we got started into it but she told me she sees me as a great friend, any more than that she said she just doesn't know.


Thanks for the advice.

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