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Question about dating websites


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Does anyone know of a internet site or some kind of crack to get into these dating sites? any free sites that are TOTALLY FREE where you can contact people? im unable to pay for internet dating sites, and i think its the most facinating thing meeting a girl off the net, its so cooool trust me!!! and i want to get on these dating sites to see whats up or who is out there, anyone help?

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Great question. I have done some intensive research into this. There is actually a non-partial website that reviews internet dating sites. Unfortunately the best ones are the ones that you pay for. There are sites out there that are free, but you dont get any pictures of the person, and most of them are pretty stingy. If money is an issue, maybe you can look around and see which one is the cheapest. remember, you usually get what you pay for.



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My suggestion would be to put in a search for chat rooms that cover your area.....for example, I'd put in "CT chat rooms." I happened upon Lycos Chat years ago, and met my fiance through it. (It's a general chat site, but I just got lucky.) Been with him for 2+ years now. It's cheaper than a dating service, and there's not so much pressure to "connect" with someone instantly, you can take more time to get to know someone, and it's free!



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  • 3 years later...

Hey, i think one way to get around paying for online dating site( a member's email address).I would have your user name and your yahoo/hotmail address account be the same.The members if smart can figure the clue in your profile out and email you off the site.

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Use chatrooms, MySpace, TagWorld, whatever. There's a lot of single people out there =P Unfortunately, proper dating sites do charge people, and I wouldn't recommend using cracks because some of the ones you find nowadays turn out to be trojan viruses -_- Personally, I met my long-distance boyfriend from a fanfiction website. I find it better to meet people without the intention of dating, then seeing where it leads from there =)

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I tried that eharmony full o'crap site. I reached 300 matches and all closed before I gave up on love all together. Life is so much easier alone.


Don't bother yourself with a search for love. It either will happen or it won't. Trying to force it doesn't help. At my age, 35, I came to realization that it won't ever happen for me. Plain and simple, so I gave up trying to force the issue. I have reached acceptance after having tried for so many years.

In the end, I think I will be happier for it.

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LOL a crack...that's funny. h4x0r in my b0x0r!!!


Well, dating sites...going out & meeting new people...same thing. If you don't portray yourself as who you are nor exactly know what you're looking for then you'll never meet an ideal match.


People often blame the websites but don't exactly ask if they themselves are doing something wrong.

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Haven't heard of any website doing that, but there's always a first time, and it wouldn't surprise me. When I had joined any website, I was always sure to put the site through my own little vetting process to make sure of the authenticity. If I wasn't sure.. I didn't join up. Plain and simple. Just use the principle of don't believe everything you read, especially on the internet machine.

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