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The Secret


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I minorly obsessed with this book. Has anyone else read it? Opinions on it? Part of me wants to believe that its truth but the rational part of me says no way, but then that just goes against everything the book says! Anyone have any good stories to tell about it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The basics are


"if you dont ask, you dont get"


So you ask yourself, "what is it that I wont, and then go get it"


The thing that puts me off is the lack or Mortality associated with this "greed is good" view of personal achievement


One is only asked to "think about getting" and not "how did I get"


yes posative thinking is good but not at the expanse of any form of Morals or responsibility to others.


Humans are more than just our needs.

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Absolutely, humans are more than just our needs, and morality is our first concern.


Honestly though, I'm someone who has always been taught "You can't have things you want, you don't deserve them" or "If you were moral you wouldn't want stuff" so this book/movie really taught me taht yes, I can have what I want.


I believe we all have to work toward things and things have to 'line up', but certainly, there's no reason we can't have what we want, and there's no reason to feel bad because we want things.

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I read it. It didn't tell me anything I didn't already know or hadn't already heard....Just goes to show there is no 'quick fix' for anything!

Postive thinking is a daily process of programming (or re-programming) your thoughts...you can find support in any self help group, club or organization, or thru therapy.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with Beyond the Sea - I was always raised to think about others and never about myself. That's left me in quite a conundrum since graduating college. I read this book last weekend and felt very inspired and more focused in life. I've been a waffler regarding what I want out of life and now I'm finally taking control of it.


Even just down to the minor, mundane things, like keeping my home organized, seem to be benefiting from having read this book.


I don't think I'll ever get $1,000,000, but I don't really want that anyway. I plan to use the law of attraction more in finding happiness in my work and hobbies, and in finding the love of my life


I, too, started a thread on this book in the "Healing After Breakup and Divorce" forum to give inspiration and hope to those people, like myself, who had just gone through a bad break-up.

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  • 4 months later...

I read this book and i decided to try it out... so for about 2 weeks I kept thinking about winning the lottery....and I actually imagined that I won it, and visualized telling all my friends and family that I won. Then one night I went to panda express and my fortune cookie said "The light of wealth is shining upon you." So I was even more convinced that I was going to win! So I went and bought 10 dollars worth of tickets, and ended up winning 500 dollars... I know its not the fortune I was hoping for but still I thought it was pretty cool. I still think that if I would have focused a little more energy on winning, then I could have gotten that last number and won a fortune!

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Yeah. "The Secret" to life is thinking happy thoughts. That explains socioeconomic depravity, genocide, war, and hunger. Let's tell all of the children living with HIV/AIDS to just stop being so damn negative, and then they can get their anti-retroviral meds and be HEALED! sweeet.

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I've picked up books like these in the shops, flicked through them, read little extracts


decided that they cant tell me anything i don't already know


decided that they are very patronising


and i don't like the concept of a quote being more important because it was written by a thousand year old philosopher or anything so that doesn't appeal


and i always find a phrase or a concept or an emphasis that i emphatically and vehemently disagree with or feel shouldn't be stressed


and finally decide that reading such material will only serve to infuriate me and will try to shape my mind in a way that i do not want it to be shaped so i walk away feeling a little less hopeful for the future of mankind when i know that these books are flying off the shelves (making the producing companys millions and millions of dollars) enforcing ideas that really havent been too well thought out, in my humble opinion


and i put the book back

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  • 4 months later...
I read this book and i decided to try it out... so for about 2 weeks I kept thinking about winning the lottery....and I actually imagined that I won it, and visualized telling all my friends and family that I won. Then one night I went to panda express and my fortune cookie said "The light of wealth is shining upon you." So I was even more convinced that I was going to win! So I went and bought 10 dollars worth of tickets, and ended up winning 500 dollars... I know its not the fortune I was hoping for but still I thought it was pretty cool. I still think that if I would have focused a little more energy on winning, then I could have gotten that last number and won a fortune!


Awesome I have the video and the audio version I have on my mp3 player. Just the positive thinking alone makes me feel great, it's a struggle sometimes as I tend to be a negative person but I'm working on it Great book/video for anyone. Not just for money and other materialistic things (of course I want a new house LOL).

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  • 2 months later...

eh, i worked in a book store where it was the #1 seller for weeks. just hearing about it all day long turned me off to it, so i can't say that i've read it. i do know the gist of it, though, from my customers, and it sounds like a whole lot of hoo-hah to me to tell you the truth

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I am not sure i agree with this book. I agree with self help but i am not to sure about this one.

Asking is one thing and i agree with this but it takes setting goals and actually working towards your dreams to make things happen, asking alone wont do anything!

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