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Almost said something..


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My last Sunday here... with my mom... we're out to lunch at Panera.

I almost just said...something.

I almost just said something

that would have been along the lines of....

I find the same sex attractive and... I can see myself with someone of the same sex...

because I am needy as ever to be cared for and loved.

by anyone.

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I wanted u saying you loved me with your everything every chance you felt it. but instead you hid. and so that only made things worse. i'm not saying this is your fault cause I'm here telling you that I'm the one with the problem

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It's one of those nights.

My back is killing me and there's nothign I can do about it.

There's nothing on TV to distract me from my life.

I left her-- signed off just like that. Totally a first.

she was sad, and I tried but... there was nothing I could do to bring her up.

The distance is eating away.

All I could do was leave.

I didn't know what else to say and... quite frankly I didn't want to be around anymore.

That's a first.


I know she is sad and.... I only made her sadder by leaving.

but what the * * * * was I supposed to say.

I'm frustrated too.

My life is kind of... not exactly not in shambles.

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