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Thought it would be nice to write some momento's in my personal journal here on ENA. First of all I love to write, second of all, I can practise my English writing. I'll start with a true story called:


"On the other side of the world..."


When I was just a little girl, four years of age I met my first boyfriend in elementary school. His name was Marcel and just like me 4 years old. Marcel, the nicest name I ever heard. It was love at first sight. We spend hours together, we sat next to eachother in school, did the same activities and during playhours we would only play with eachother. He was so nice to me ... he shared his lunchbox with me because he alway's had some extra candy with him. Also his chocolatemilk tasted sweater then mine.

He was the perfect boyfriend: he was funny like the classclown, he could run faster then any other kid, he was strong and alway's protected me from bullies. I was at that time sure... One day I'll marry my Marcel and live happily ever after.


Three years went by so quickly, me and Marcel together when one day he told me that his parents were going to move to another town... He would transfer to another school and I was devastated. My Marcel was going to move to the other side of the world. Well actually he moved three towns away to a village, about 20 miles away of my hometown, but in the mind of a 7 years old that's equally to "the other side of the world"


I remember that I once went up to see him on his birthday. I was wearing my Sundaydress and got him the greatest gift I could think of. I gave him a walky-talky, in hope we could communicate to eachother from the other side of the world. In reality they only worked if you were in the same room.


Then our 'friendship' faded, years went by but not a day that I wouldn't think about my Marcel at the other side of the world. Even when I was a teenager at other teens had there first crushes, in my mind I kept picturing my Marcel.

At age of 17 I decided to go to the U.S.A. for a year to participate in a Highschool-exchange. Just two weeks before take-off my mom called me out of the garden. There was a boy standing at the door, asking for me.

My heart was beating in my throat because there HE stood: My Marcel, my boyfriend on the otherside of the world came for me. And I realised he never forgot about me either. He was exactly how I pictured he would be at 17 years of age: handsome, strong, funny and kind. The remaining two weeks we spend every day together: hours at the beach, and we shared our first teenage-kisses with eachother.


On the day of departure to the U.S.A. he was with me to say goodbye. Now I was going to the other side of the world... During that whole year we wrote letters, every week. When I was down he was alway's there to chear me up. Being the best boyfriend he could be on the other side of the world.

After a year, again he was there waiting for me at the airport... and we spend another month every free moment together.

But then our lives split again. Me going of to the city for college. He chose to go into the army. Once in a while we would find some time to meet eachother and we would write letters to eachother every week. Our lives were so different. My life was about studying, partying, meeting people.

His live was about the army, boy's-gatherings, cars and motorcycle's.


For some reason, I don't know when or how our connection faded. But after again 10 years I realise that my Marcel, on the other side of the world is left to be a memory. A memory I will treasure for life.

Just a few day's ago I ran into his older brother. He was excited to see me and he told me that my Marcel just became a father of a healthy boy. He showed me a picture of Marcel.

I gazed at the picture with a smile. In the picture I saw a happy family: my Marcel with his wife and the newborn. Eventhough It touched me, I was happy to see that my Marcel is happy. I wish him the best and I will never forget him. My Marcel will alway's be my boyfriend on the other side of the world.

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