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Book Talk

Get That Passion Back


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I haven't read a good book in years!


I used to read fiction stories a lot when I was younger and greatly enjoyed it.


I would love to get that passion back for reading.


What I am interested in reading right now are dramatic romance novels. I've heard that anything Danielle Steel would be a good choice.


Any other suggestions?

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If you are into British Literature or are able to tolerate it, I suggest you read Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen.


I'm not a romance novel kinda gal, but this book was truly brilliant.


Just to keep you on the alert and to warn you against any disappointments, the novel does not essentially focus on the romance that is experienced by a number of characters; instead it focuses on people's habits when in love. Do they use their sense or do they use their sensibility?


In addition, the movie adaptation of it was excellent. It stars Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet and Hugh Grant.


Review the book and tell me what you think.

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I know what you mean Jen. I too have gotten into reading even thought I honestly thought I probably wouldn't re-read any of my high-school novels.


Ordinary people - Judith Guest.. There is also a movie about it.

I love I reading the book then seeing the movie. I mean all books in general.

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