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We had a great weekend,

the chemistry was there,

the happiness I felt,

This feeling I thought we both shared.


It was a beautiful Sunday Morning,

He kissed and hugged me good-bye,

He said he loved and would call me,

I believed this wasn't a lie.


On Monday morning I found,

The girl that shared his bed,

The devistation I had felt,

At that moment I wished I was dead.


My relationship with him was a lie,

This is something I thought I wouldn't get through,

The deception I felt he enjoyed,

My heart completely broken in two.


The hatred he must of felt for me,

For reasons all unknown,

This is something I don't understand,

My mind completely blown.


The pleasure of pain I seen in his face,

A smile he did show,

This wasn't the man I was with for a year,

This man I did not know.


I realized I wasn't good enough,

The better one he had found,

She was younger, attractive and pretty,

In his eyes she wore the crown.


I got played for a fool,

He made me into a clown,

For this I'm damaged goods,

In tears I do drown.

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