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she HATES me... WHY!!


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ok...i kno i post alot about this girl but im gonna go crazy i swear....she HATES me all of a sudden for nO REASOn..im a "loser" and she cant stand me...thats what she tells everyone...she used to like me and i liked her, after homecomig she lost interest all of a sudden...and not left at that,she HATES me...WHY!! whats some advice and how do i handle this

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i dont know about you, but if i was in this situation id get her outta my life as soon as possible. it sounds like you really like her, but she sounds sour and im sure even if you did get together, her personality (as stinky as it sounds) would soon make you lose interest.


you've got to get over her! try and avoid her. soon enough you will find someone else more worthy of your interest, she's just searching for attention. she wants you to waste your time drooling over her.


you dont have to take this advice, im sure your REALLY infatuated with her at the moment. but the sooner you pass that, the better you will feel.


there are always gonna be people in your life who wont like you, for no reason at all! sometimes you can try and resurrect things, but its usually best to just ignore them and go on with your life!


trust me life will get better, once she's out of your mind AND life!

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I agree with the others, in that you should just forget about her she is not worthy of you.


now as to why this may have happened, I suggest you never look desperate, jealous, smothering or needy, these are definate turn offs.


This girl probably didnt like something about you, and uses your interest in her as a way to make her look more important in front of her friends.


in other words, your being used, shes just plain low. your lucky your rid of her.


eventually youll find a gal that will appreciate you, and like you for real. I wouldnt doubt this girl led you on, to get some guy shes really interested in, jealous.


Just laugh it off, and move on, plenty of decent girls waiting for you to disover them right now!

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