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Does this girl like me!?


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Well I asked this girl is she liked me striaght out because i my heart couldnt take the pain from holding it in, and she said she liked me only as a friend and that she doesn't want to lose me. And when i hung out with her, we had ice cream together, we cuddled, held hands, she put her head on my shoulder. Does she just like being flirtacious, having someone around like me, or is she afriad of going out with me? Sometimes she gives me signs and sometimes not. I like her a lot and cannot stop thinking about her. What do i do and does she like me or teasing me?

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I've been there before, and quite frankly I can tell you that she does have feelings for you. Honestly, you must be doing something wrong, but you obviously dont know what it is. Try to take her out on a date for dinner, or to the movies or something, and see how it works when its just the two of you together, in a "date" setting. Try not to be too much of a friend, because that can screw you in the long run. She may not see you as boyfriend material. I dont know, stick with it but try not to drive yourself nuts.

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i have found a time to really make it not to be just her friend, but im afriad if i try to kiss her, it may be out of line becuase its like pushing it cuz she's said no to more than friendship, i might make myself look like a fool if i push it anymore until i truly know.

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Well then your best bet is to tell her how you feel about her, and let her know that you want to be more than friends. I can tell you that it will be difficult for you to stay friends with her, and not have a relationship more than that. If she doesn't want to get with you, then you might as well end the friendship, because it will be too much pain for you, and you will waste a lot of time pursuing something that may never happen.

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