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Okay..This is a long shot...Anyone's ex ever come back after they married someone..?


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I know everyone is going to say why am I even asking this question....And I know that in a few months I wont even want my ex back (I hope)...I know most success stories for getting back together with an ex is if neither has dated anyone else after...and sure as *ell not married someone else.....But just curious if successful reunions have ever happened after a long period of time when you have both changed, dated other people, married other people and eventually divorced....

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girl I dated for a year in high school and I split up and it ended badly. we went to different colleges and never saw or heard from eachother for 7 years...then I came back home for some reason or another and saw her out and we sat down and decided to catch up...


we were both much more grown up than when we were in high school...and she had been married and divorced and recently moved back to town...we sat and talked for hours and ended up getting too drunk to drive and so we shared a cab back to her place and I stayed the night with her...


we ended up dating for about 4 months...tested things out again between us...but found that there was just too much that had changed between us that we weren't the same people we were 7 years ago..and that we had grown up and grown in different directions.


the 2nd time around ended up with us being good friends however...and her and I still stay in regular contact...she is married again...and just had her first kid about 4 months ago and I couldn't be happier for her...


so..it was a success in a way I guess...because we've became friends...patched up the hurtfull mistakes we made in the past...and shared some great time with eachother...

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Yes it does indeed happen. I have read stories where people have re-connected after their other marriages failed. I assume you are asking this question because the person you want to be with is now married? If that is the case, don't waste your life hoping this person gets divorced and comes back to you. If the person realizes they made a mistake and chose the wrong person, they will do whatever is necessary to rectify that mistake...but you have no control over whether or not that happens. You only have control over your own life and you have to live it to its fullest and that means looking at the current state of affairs, not what you hope and wish for. The person chose to be out of your life so you have to go on with your life and if it is meant to be in the future, it will...but you have to put it out of your mind and get on with your life as if this person will never be a part of it again.

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Crazyaboutdogs you are right..I think over time I may not ever want to be with this person again...He himself told me he would never ever be with me again even if he wasnt married...That he found his soul mate...So I dont think he would ever regret loosing me...He is still angry and bitter towards me..And I am starting to feel angry towards the way he treated me afterwards....But I gues sin time maybe we will be friends..Maybe we will not want anything to do with eachother ever again...It was bad timing for me..and I think what he knows of me from the relationship may be how he will always see me..So I guess I will accept that...I was just curious if it was still a possibility...I am moving away in January and he is moving away soon...So we may never see eachtoher again anyway....I am not going to contact him for a very long time if ever..And I know feelings change...I just wish I could have had the chance to get to know him, and him me, in a better situation and time....Its just nice to know there is a possibility right now....If anything Id like to think the hard feelings would go away over time and he could think nicely of me.....

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Thanks greenmonster..Seems the highshool sweethearts are the ones that people reconnect with most..I am still good friends with my first love/relationship..It is nice to still have that person a part of my life..

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Hey Anon,


I seem to remember you posting about your ex running off and marrying someone else right away and being really cruel to you about it..




Yep here it is.


Honey, you do deserve so much better than this. I can understand it's hard to see that now, but I think with time you will realize that this guy isn't good for you and doesn't have your best interests at heart.

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I know you are right...I think until I find someone else who treats me well Ill be missing him....He treated me poorly..But I treated him pretty poorly during our relationship....We both hurt each other.....BUt I guess he really said some intentional mean things....I dont want anything to do with him right now...as I think he must be angry at me....Plus he is married so a friendship right now would just hurt me....Just still wish one day things could have been good for us..I know it is naive..

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Hi Anon,


I think when you learn to love and respect yourself enough to not allow others to take advantage of your good nature and kind heart, and to stand up for what you know is acceptable treatment... that is when you will be ready to move on.


It is hard, no one denies that. And sometimes our hearts get ahead of our brains and it's easy to forget why we are away from this person in the first place.


But someone who jumped and married the very next girl that came along in a matter of months... isn't someone worth investing your heart and time in.


Hang in there, friend.


It does get easier.

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Thanks Hope..I look forward to the day this is far behind me.....I know with time Ill see everything for what it was more...Just feel like my emotions have gotten the best of me lately...


We all have times like that. That is part of being human. The world would be an awfully boring and sad place if we couldn't have feelings.


The important thing is to keep busy and try your hardest not to let those feelings rule your life. Remind yourself why your ex isn't good for you and why you are better off waiting for a guy who will treat you as you deserve.

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