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I just got back from the gym, I'll be going back in a little while.


I am so tired this morning!


I got about 3hrs. of sleep.


I can already tell that this is going to be a really long day.


Then my friend Courtney's mother is taking me out to dinner tonight.


I can tell we're going to have a nice long conversation, LOL!


I want nothing more than to work from home today.


But I can't do that, I have to go it. It's the right thing to do.

My boss is really sweet and understanding, but I need to be accountable to a certain extent.


Bianca said she's going to Mexico, LOL! I would go with her, but I've got too much going on.


I've got to remember to give Shayla a call on her birthday.


I'll tell her that her present will arrive next week, after I get paid.


She really wanted to go to this concert, but wouldn't let me get the tickets.


I should look up where the concert is and buy the tickets.


I'm just so tired right now.


After I get back from the gym am I going to be alert enough to make the commute to work???


Why do I have to work so far away from home?


Oh well, I hope everyone has a great day!




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Okay, I thought I could close my eyes for about 15min., before heading out of the door again, but it's not going to happen.


I'm supposed to eat in the mornings now. My trainer says that I need to eat so I won't get light-headed.


So this morning I had a slice of bread, and that Red Lion.....whew!


And when I was working out, I had soooo much water. Let me just say that it doesn't mix well at all.


I'm thinking about eating another piece of bread before I go, but I don't know.


I would consider getting a Starbucks coffee, but for some reason it messes with my stomach these days.


And then I have to pay that parking ticket. I've decided I'll just go to traffic school so that my insurance rates won't raise.


My mom is coming home tomorrow, my great Aunt was supposed to come up, but she won't be coming this time.


My dad is so funny.


He got of the treadmill to come in here and ask me if I was meeting with my trainer.


Well, I guess that's my clue to get up and get out.


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What a great workout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew!!!!


I LOVE working out!!!!! It just makes your body feel so freaking good!!!


She kicked my butt as always.


And she got on me for not eating enough food before working out, LOL!


So ya, I won't be making that mistake again.


But I love working my butt off in the gym.


Okay, so I opened my Bible this morning right?

Although I won't lie, I thought I was going to get it for cursing that person out yesterday, LOL!


But God had mercy on me, there wasn't anything telling me off.


I know that I messed up in cursing that person out, but I don't regret telling them off.


I'm not letting any men mess over me.


Humans are just like any other animal, and when we get backed into a corner we come out fighting.


I feel bad for the people who read my joural though. I know how offensive profanity can be.


I know there have been sometimes when I've read through my old journals (the ones from the teenage years)......I tell you, sometimes I couldn't make it through an entry, LOL!


But you view things differently when you're in a different place.


But anywho, I'm grateful to the people who monitor this site.


I know that my punishment could have been much worse than having my journal closed.


So ya, I really appreciate that.


So, I'm off to get ready for work.


I have therapy tomorrow, LOL! Boy do we have a lot to talk about.


My therapist doesn't know about me working out again.


I already know that she'll be worried. She doesn't want me to overdue it, and she wants to help me build a healthy relationship between myself and food.


But I'll do my own thing, sad huh? Baby steps, it's all about baby steps.


Right now I'm addicted to exercise.


And I'm really syked, because at the rate things are going, I'll have my dancer's body back in no time!!!


I can't wait to start dancing again, it's so liberating.


Anywho, I better hop in the shower!


Have a great day!




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HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aww, I missed e-not-alone, LOL!


I was banned for a week, that was the other part of my punishment.


I was on another site, and then I was like, "Wait a minute! I can log in now!", LOL!


Anywho, I hope everyone has been well.


I started a journal on another site while I was away, but I really think I can keep up two journals.


Okay, at first I was thinking that I would start posting in the Solo Journal section (where people can't post replies).


Because I was like, "If someone attacks me again, I'm going to defend myself again. And then I'll just be banned again, so why not eliminate that possibility."


But I don't know. Today, I feel pretty good. I mean, as the days pass on, I begin to feel much better about the break-up.


It's amazing I realllllly didn't expect that. And then tomorrow it will have been two weeks!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that?! The time has passed sooooooo quickly.

It's really weird.


But I'm really happy. I'll be going out of town this week. I found out that I'll possibly be in a magazine. So ya, I'm feeling pretty good this morning.


And being able to write on e-not-alone again, is just the cherry on the pie of my week, LOL!


Anywho, I've got to go right now, but I'll definitely be back.


Thanks for listening!!!!




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Okay, I'm back, LOL!!!


And they are talking about Sharks on Animal Planet! I love sharks, ever since I was 8 years old.


Okay, soooooooo much has been going on, LOL! I thought about copying and pasting from the other site but I don't really want to. That's more effort than I want to expend right now.


My mom got me the Planet Earth series!!! I was soooo syked, when I came home yesterday she had it on my bed.


I had been wanting that for a long time now, since I'm such a huge Animal Lover.


You know what? I think I will move under the Solo Journal section. I am in such a good mood today, and I don't want anything to affect (usage ?) that.


Okay, so, I'll make that move now.


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