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The Uncorrupted Language


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Hey, I wrote this for that wonderful female of mine. It concerns the language of the body as opposed to words.



Enjoy. Comments welcome




When yes means no, and no means yes is right the same as wrong?

would it even matter if, all happiness was gone.

I draw the sword of evils ice and swing at unseem faces,

is the mist- lifeless rain hiding destined places.

The cosmic railroads overhead, dance aboput the sky,

why am I content to stay, where surely I will die.

When words have lost all meaning, and the final angel speaks-

nothing but a whisper... of distant mountain peaks.

Jump the chasm- minds frontier, and lanf amoungst the fray,

Or is there another route, from which I've turned away.

As words of hate and love combine, to form something so vile,

a simple truth echos my mind, stimulated by a smile.

For an instant- eternities star, words and sound mean naught,

in dying we restore our life, in living we are taught.

I know that eyes are said to be the windows to our soul,

why then are our pupils, black as blackened coal?

The answer must not be in words- the spirit interrupted.

But sight of mind, touach of heart-


the language uncorrupted.

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wow, very insightful. id comment, but im still trying to wrap my mind around it. did you think of it all by yourself? i think its terrific and excellent use of language. unique style and choice of topic.


if she has any sense she'll appreciate every individual line with careful consideration.


hehe keep us up to date with what happens with this girl ok!


~best of luck to you~

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