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No remorse he says ...


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I know this is a break up section but I needed to write here because I just ended this with a friend who was my exs bestfriend.


We had many good times together , he was there for me through some tough times. But little did I know he was just telling people everything that I told him. If i cried to him he would tell people that too, anything I did he told people. He made my emotions a joke and it hurt. I blocked him but often had the temptation to talk to him because I didnt know what side to take. I wasnt sure if I wanted to remain friends with him or not so I wanted to keep the power in my hands.


So today he asked me why I keep blocking him , what sort of satisfaction I get from it? I broke down. It felt like there was so much rage in my chest that I couldnt help it. I felt so much anger just wanted to pour out and I started typing. I told him off by saying how he told people about my life and how i trusted him and felt betrayed. He said there is something wrong with me and I have issues. He thinks there is nothing wrong with telling people if someone cries ....nor is there something wrong with people knowing that I cried. HOW is there nothing wrong with the whole world knowing that I was upset over my ex. He said he didnt feel like he did anything wrong by telling people.


I am hurting right now because i completely trusted him.But i think maybe this is for the best because I wasnt able to decide and now that it is decided hes blocked. He said that I can keep him blocked....I guess I got my value right there too huh? Anyway I gotta keep going...September is around the corner and I wanna be strong enough to deal with this stuff upfront and just walk away without shedding any tears.


Do you think I did the right thing?

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I should have but I blocked him and deleted him since he was so eager for me to do it anyway. My ex and him always made me feel like something was wrong with me. I dont think there is anything wrong wiht me and i am tired of seeking validation from others.

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I would never dream on sharing really personal information with friends about my ex partner.


You are completely in the right, it's disrespectfull and cruel.


You deserve better than this, if I was you I would cut him out of my life completely. People like this don't deserve the time of day especially when they are making you think that you are the problem, don't be a victim of this manipulative behaviour!


All the best.



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