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Dark Prince

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Currently in my life I feel like I'm not on the path to the future I want to have. I'm 20 yrs old and I've been going to a community college to earn my associates degree for a few years now since 2004, I've been taking 3 classes a semester so I'm behind a bit by normal school standards because I couldn't handle 4-5 classes. I originally was in a graphic design program, but jumped ship after I realized that my skills weren't where they needed to be and now I've been in a general studies type program ever since. That was back in my first year. Since then I've been trying to find my "groove" so to speak to have that passion again.


In the process, I've been really disappointed in myself and I've always been in the dumps about it and its affected my social life. I've never had a lot of friends on top of the fact that I've never had a girlfriend. I thought by now I would have something going for me, but there's nothing. I had a real passion for graphic design but once I got into the classes and saw how advanced the other students were; I got scared and thus why I said I jumped ship.


I'm trying to find a passion in something to get me going in school; but I haven't had any luck. I'm also trying to improve my self confidence, social skills...etc. I just don't know if I can find my stride. My mentality is that once I finish school I can join the AirForce and that I'll just take care of myself through that. But, that ends up distracting me from the here and now and thus stops me from making any effort to change myself now.


Any advice?

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I think you should get back into Graphic Design, even if you do feel intimidated by it at first. There is always going to be someone better than you at something, but that still doesn't mean you should give up. I remember when I was a junior in high school, just a couple years after starting to play music, I thought that I was the best around. Then I went to a week long music retreat for serious young musicians. I heard students from around the country, which was a huge wake up call. However, instead of giving up, I forced myself to practice more and make progress in small steps. I went back the following summer and was at the top in terms of skill level.


So yes, if I were you, I would give Graphic Design another shot. It often takes a lot of effort and risk to get where you want to be in life. I am sure you are capable of being a fine graphics artist. In years passed, I have been intimidated many times in the field I am interested in, but that only motivates me to improve on my weaknesses.


You do not have to get everything in your life out of the way as early as possible. I, too am 20, and I have never been in an intimate relationship either, nor do I have many friends. But to tell you the truth, I am perfectly fine with that. It gives me an opportunity to constantly work on myself.


If you put your mind to something through persistance, dedication, and hard work, you will get far. Whenever you fall down, stand back up and keep going.

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