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downward spiral

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Sometimes things dont work out the way

youd like them to.

what you thought was real ony made you

feel like a fool.

but when you are lost in the moment, the lies

you just cant see.

And when it is over you realize but dont

want to believe.


You gave so much and never asked

for it back.

No one noticed what you gave and now it feels

like knife in your back.

Now your left with a sorrowed past

and its shame.

and all the tears you cry make it seem

like your to blame.





Puddles are formed

by tears. Pity is felt by

those who shed them.I dont want

your pity, I feel sorry

for myself as it is. dont worry

about me, i dont. Be happy you say.

Why? What for? There is

hope you say. Expect the best

but only get the worst I say, its

always the same. I know, I know

I am so negative, what is there

to be positive about?

Life you say. Ok, i will give you

that one. See you later.





Stones are thrown

Stones are always thrown

at me, I have always known

who am I but and unknown?

I will never have a thrown

I only know what i have been shown

hasnt been much, ive never grown

Shaped by a groan

Ignored when I moan

My life I have never owned

I weep for what i have sewn






Sometimes we find we must put away

the old memories.

Put away the old dreams that wont let us

get on with our lives.

Let the wounds of penance finally heal

after all this time.

Its time to dust the shelves of our

MINDS and move on.


We must leave the past behind, it is

no place to live.

Put our fears awya, these demons should

not haunt us.

Let the hurt of abuse subside, we can

never forget but we can forgive.

its time to dust the shelves of our

SOULS and move on.


Now it is time to dream of things much

higher than ever thought.

Put away the solitude we have been feeling

for so long.

Let the pain of neglect show us the

way to everlasting love.

Its time to dust the shelves of our

SPIRIT and move on.


Now it is time to love like we

have never loved before.

Put away the shame that keeps

us at bay.

Let the lies of so many

teach us the truth.

Its time to dust the shelves of our

HEARTS and move on.

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