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Where do girls like to hang out?


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Yah, since i don't go to High school anymore (even though im 17), I rarely see girls my age anymore. Of course, the mall seems like a good idea, but for me it just seems like an act of desperation to hang around the mall trying to hook up. I'm kinda sick of hanging out with my friends smoking pot and getting drunk. So ya...


Where do girls like to hang out? keep my age in mind


Thx for reading this and i'd appreciate it if you could post your ideas

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Hanging out with your friends doesnt have to mean using drugs. I remember parties and kick backs used to be good places to meet new females. Also, if you have a nice car or you know someone who does, you could try cruising down a local popular cruise street on Friday or Saturday nights and see how many girls "holla." LOL! Im 22 and I still cruise the blvd. on the weekends with my friends looking for ladies. Some weekends you meet all kinds of chics, the next weekend might be a bust. At your age its hard though especially being out of high school. Maybe try the local colleges???

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places where boys like to hang-out. simple answer to a simple question.


try the following places/environments


bowling alley


mall stores (not just the mall)

a nice cafe

star bucks

water parks

roller skating rinks

maybe the gym or local swimming pool



all girls are different, and it all depends on if they are searching for someone, that being a Guy. i would just stick to the mall, there you have variety, and plenty of ways to approach girls, like food courts, i get behind them in line and offer to pay for there food, if they accept than you ask if you can sit with them, in-part starting a conversation...see where this is going. but really you can do that anywhere, it's just at the mall or a place similar it's almost expected for girls to be approached by guys.

(vise versa)

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mall stores (not just the mall)

a nice cafe

star bucks

maybe the gym or local swimming pool



i would just stick to the mall, there you have variety, and plenty of ways to approach girls, like food courts, i get behind them in line and offer to pay for there food, if they accept than you ask if you can sit with them, in-part starting a conversation...see where this is going. (vise versa)


Great Ideas!! But the mall thing would take a very ballsy guy because rejection could occur especially without knowing if the girl has a boyfriend. But definitely a good way to score points with a girl!

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Hey im a girl and im 17 too.. i hang out just about ne where. Like me and my friends could just chill outside downtown or outsidethe mall or someones house. Like Bryan said, if u just drive around and look for some girls u could get some. Like i threw my number out the window to a bunch of guys skate boarding. They werent even my type at first, it was just the thrill of doing it i guess. Amd believe it or not im very shy and never thought i would do something like that, but wen ur in a car and u kno u can drive away if ur turned down or made a fool out of, then its so easy.


Ya the mall is good, b/c well thats one reason i go to the mall is to see guys. If a guy approached me i might me very standoffish if i was alone, but with a friend it would be cool and i would flirt. So probly dont go up to a grl whos alone, she might get nervous and scared that ur a freak. Wen we are together we are so different then wen we are alone just to let u kno.


The bowling idea was good too. I went bowling a couple times ova the summa and i started talkin to the guy at the counter, adn he hooked us up with a nuch of guys. We told him to put ne guys that came in, into a lane next to us. So we had 3 of us and he put 6 guys next to use, it was NICE!!!!! hehe.


Coffee shops, if thats the type of girl u want. U could go to a club, would have to be under 18 tho. But its a good place to meet people. I like meeting people outside the club, who just go out to get some air or w/e. Its easier to talk to them.


U could also just go to any random store, it could be a grocery store or like corner store or sumthin. And find a clerk who u are attracted to, then go in her line and start a small convo. Then a few days later go back and start another convo. Pretty soon u can just be like..... ur a very sweet grl could i get ur number or sumthin? IT WORKS!!!! my friend met her bf that way lol. and even if she says no, dont go there ne more, who cares? shes never gunna see u again ne ways, no big deal.


wel good luck man, PZ.

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I love going to the beach, boogie boarding, or riding my bike along the coast.


Take hikes along the coast.


Girls typically, love the beach.


If you want to take a girl out to have fun and just get to know her, take her to the arcade.


Arcades are fun, you get to kick each other's butt's.


Other places that girls like to go to are bookstores, or this might sound lame, but craft stores. You might give off the wrong impression by hanging out at fabric stores though.


What else? Some girls are just home girls, they like staying at home.


But if you're asking where to meet girls. That's a tough one, b/c it just has to happen naturally...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Perhaps the question to ask is not "where do girls hang out?" but "where do people hang out".I spent my late teenage years hanging out with my small group of friends smoking pot and drinking,and as enjoyable as that was I only recently figured out how antisocial that was.We spent most of our time hanging out in the bush so we wouldnt get busted.The idea might be to simply expand your social group male and female.Figure out what you like doing and go do it.You like tennis join a tennis club.You like reading go to the library-whatever.Youre far more likely to meet someone you have something in common with that way.I know that sounds lame but eventually the thrill of booze and ganja dissappears and doing lame stuff becomes alot more appealing.

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