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the ex in online and i've got such an urge!!!


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been together for a year before he broke up with me at the end of april....we were in a long distance relationship which he found very tough. but we will be back on the same campus again by the end of august...


we've been talking about every 10days to 2 weeks online. i went into NC for about 3 weeks right after the break up, when we talked again after that, i sent a 'closure letter' type of document to him of which he requested to read and take in seriously. but that was the end of that and i have yet to get a response on that from him.


since then, it's just been friendly chats every now and then. he just returned from a week-long family trip and is online again. I've got such an urge to message him but I'm keeping myself from doing so, mainly because I promised myself to back off completely, and even if we talk, I shall never be the first to contact him unless he reaches out to me first.


i guess im just anxious again since he's online...


is it ok to say hi and ask him bout the trip or should i just stay away unless he fills me in with info when he wants?? i'd reckon the latter is the better choice yeah??


Pleeeease give me some opinions before i do anything stupid....

thanks a lot guys!

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I am assuming since you can tell he is on line what he can tell you are also. I think you should wait and see if he messages you. With the other contact that you have had who initiated it?


all of them were initiated by him, with exceptions of maybe 1 or 2 conversions. i always replied him when he messaged...im not sure if that is good of bad that im so 'readily available' to chat...?



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i guess my question is should i message him now or later on to say hi and ask bout the trip, or just wait and see for his contacts. and how should i be for the remaining of this period or even when we see each other back at school?

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I totally understand how u feel...I was in a long distance relationship for 6 months...we were together one year and the i had to move back to the US and we did long distance 6 months...anyways to make a long story short...i became needy, picked fights etc bc i was so unhappy moving home (no friends, no job, cat died, got sick) It was one thing after the other...and I took it all out on him...and he lost all feelings for me. I just had to have my cousin change my msn password so I am not tempted to talk to him...he wanted to be friends...but no can do...it hurts too much

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