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Harry Potter OBSESSION


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I just met a girl that is totally obsessed with Harry Potter.


She got the new book the second it came out. I worked with her on Sat., and she was upset that she could not stay home and read. My boss let her leave early because she begged to go home and finish the book. She was hooping and hollering her way out the door from excitement.


I had asked her, "Doesn't he die at the end?" Her eyes welled up with tears and she said, "I hope not." She was so distressed about it. She did not want to know anything about the book. She just wanted to find out everything for herself and could not stop talking about Harry.


She said that her dream was to meet the actor, Daniel Radcliffe, because "he is so hot." I am just amazed.


What am I missing out on? Are there any other Harry fans out here? I have not read a book or watched a single movie of Harry Potter. I want to be in the Harry Potter loop!

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well, if you want to be in the loop, then read the books. duh! AS for the hoopla, I would have fired her for wanting to leave early TO READ A BOOK. Now she can spend all freaking day and night reading. Me, i read books 1-3 and they are alright, they were fun I guess. Not bad. I have seen all the movies, MY WIFE IS A POTTER HEAD. She loves them. The new movie absolutely sucked. Boring, lame, and she didnt even like it.

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Everyone has their obsessions and hobbies. Mine is American Idol. I have friends who during the season watch me tear off home to watch it and think I have lost my mind. Well, I probably have, but still...


I think it is cool that people have such diverse interests. I never got the Harry Potter allure but understand how people can get caught up in certain things. It's fun. LOL

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I think that I might watch one of the Harry Potter movies. I've heard the movies are better than the books.


Bonzo -


I've played golf in high school. I enjoyed it and miss playing. I would love to start again!

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Harry Potter, in my opinion, is like marmite. you either love it or hate it. okay so you do get a few headcases about these things, but fear not for that was the LAST book.


I do love the books and i did cry in a few places...


its great for kids to get into reading, and its nice that the parents can enjoy them too. its just a bit sad when people forget that Harry Potter arent the only books out there!

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I think that I might watch one of the Harry Potter movies. I've heard the movies are better than the books.


Bonzo -


I've played golf in high school. I enjoyed it and miss playing. I would love to start again!


It's an opinion that the films are better. There is also an argument that the books are better than the films. I personally think the books are 100times better (and not just because Daniel Radcliffe is the least charismatic lead male i've ever seen and they hacked the books to pieces to make a mediochre film!)


You'll either get the books and fall in love with them, read them because "theyre Harry Potter", or hate them. Probably the same with the films I suppose. I read the first book when I was 7, back in '97, so i grew up with them. I hate what they've done to the books to turn them into the films! So many plot points and characters cut shamelessly.


That being said the last book wasn't all that great. It was a fun read, but...

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I wouldn't say I'm a potter-freak (As I sit here eagerly awaiting for my online book discussion).... but I did enjoy the series.


My personal opinion, the books were FAR better than the movies. They had to hack the books to pieces to make them fit into time slots. A real shame.


I agree with patch2006uk I think you either love it or you hate it. I personally don't get all the hype about it... it is a book series, it isn't life or death. But it is harmless fun.

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Well, I enjoyed the 3 books I read and I enjoyed movie 2-4. they were not GREAT MOVIES with alot of DEPTH and charcter development but, fun none the less. However, the new movie was no fun, not entertaining and actually quit yawn inspiring. Even my wife, who loves both the moves and the books did not like the new movie.



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I waited (dressed up no less) and partied on Friday night with my kids and friends at a Harry Potter party at Borders. I had a blast, went home and stayed up until 530 to finish the book.


It was a fitting and well written ending to the series.


I don't know what the difference between people waiting for a book and people waiting for basketball tickets is? i mean, it is just a group of similarly minded people enjoying each other and their mutual interests. I don't see people picketing and hating on the basketball lovers.


I see no threads devoted to Ping Pong OBSESSION or whatnot.


It is a school mentality that I think many are suffering from where they automatically just hate anything that gets too much attention.


I loved them, and I love myself enough to indulge in a once in a lifetime night of juvenile fun.



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Been to see the latest film today. I thought it was ok. Nothing to write home about though really. That being said, the problems were probably due to the fact that it was an average film based on a mediochre book (my least fave of the series, by a long way) in my opinion.


I was another of the people queuing at midnight for the last book. I got my book at 01.46am on 21st July. About 10 years from the start of the series to the end for me. Read the first mid '97, and the last July '07!

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  • 2 months later...

I used to be love reading the harry potter books, and got them right when they came out and spent days reading it all in a short time. But now, for some reason I don't really bother reading it anymore, because of the movie! The movie ruined my imagination lol (and I'm like.. why bother reading it when I can just watch the movie) annd I heard somewhere that Harry dies etc.. o.O stupid spoilers. The movie and spoilers ruined the book for meee, but I still like watching it.

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I used to be love reading the harry potter books, and got them right when they came out and spent days reading it all in a short time. But now, for some reason I don't really bother reading it anymore, because of the movie! The movie ruined my imagination lol (and I'm like.. why bother reading it when I can just watch the movie) annd I heard somewhere that Harry dies etc.. o.O stupid spoilers. The movie and spoilers ruined the book for meee, but I still like watching it.



No Harry does not die. You should read the books...the movies leave out sooo much.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wouldn't say I'm obsessed about Harry Potter, but I am a HUGE fan of the books to the point where when the last book came out I would pull the brick out of my purse at any opportune chance.


Oh, and I also found a slutty Harry Potter school girl uniform for Halloween this year.


But I don't have a problem!

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I'm a Harry-hoe... I read the last one in for days and managed to cry all the way through, well at the bits worht crying at


THE FILMS ARE NOT BETTER THAN THE BOOKS - Dan Radcliffe is the ugliest and most irritating person I think I've ever seen on a television, EVER..


You need to read the books then watch the films, else its just annoying when you read the book

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